We consider waste management and management as an area of ecological safety. As a result of the study, the ecological aspects of this branch of activity were analyzed on the example of the operation of the operating MSW landfill in the city of Kremenchuk. The prospective direction of the field of waste management in the region, as well as the state of its financing, are taken into account. Such dangerous factors in the operation of the municipal landfill for the environment as: pollution of groundwater and open dumps of the landfill have been identified. The chemical composition of the leachate formed in the body of the landfill was evaluated and the concentrations of pollutants were compared with the permissible values in wastewater discharged to the city sewer. Priority measures for landfill reclamation were proposed. We analyzed solid household waste landfills from the point of view of resource-energy saving, as an alternative source of energy thanks to the use of generated biogas, as well as extracted secondary resources.
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