Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"

The article examines the urban features of the late 18th century, contained on
the map of R. D'Otto since 1772: «Lemberg. General Carta von dem Marche der bey
Hommona in Hungarn gestandenen K.K.Trouppen, bis zur Hauptstadt Lemberg in Pollen;
welcher 9. kleine Special Charten mit einigen Anmerkungen bey gefuget sind. Feld Laager
bey Lemberg. d. 20= Augusti. ao: 1772». For scholars, the d'Otto map is known only from the
publication of its latest worksheet with the image of the city of Lviv in the Atlas of Historic
Cities of Ukraine. However, this card consists of 9 sheets and valuable information is also
contained on the rest of its pages. Therefore, illuminating and analyzing the image of the
terrain and objects on the map in a more complete sense makes scientific sense, since the rest
of the sheets have not been published and have not yet been put into circulation. After getting
acquainted with the map, we made hand-drawn drawings of the most interesting objects (cities
and castles) in our view. These are objects from sheets 4-8. It is on these sheets that the
movement of the column of Austrian troops through the territory of Galicia is indicated. This
is a manuscript plan drawn up during the campaign of General Gadik's army unit to Lviv and
the city's accession to the Austrian state. The map is composed in such a way that shows only
the road from Hommona to Lviv and has schematically drawn plans of settlements lying or
adjacent to the mentioned path. The map focuses on cities and castles. Nevertheless, the map
is noteworthy because it captures, albeit in simplistic terms, the topography and urban
structure of our territories. Of particular value to us is the author's desire to capture the
defensive objects that fall into his field of view. D'Otto also tried to schematically, but to reflect
the basic planning character of the settlement, fixing the main squares, temples, defense
objects. Many of these defenses have not reached our time. Therefore, our goal is to show these
objects and to analyze their planning structure. The work is of historical and urban

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