
The theoretical going is near the use of concept of activity in the field of realization of law-enforcement functions

The article is devoted a decision the problems of the use of concept of activity, which is
very riznoplanovoy after the purpose, object, object and terms of realization which gives it wide possibilities in the clear differentiating of the defined legal notions. For this reason seems
extraordinarily actual to consider the basic theoretical going near the use of concept of activity
in the field of realization of law-enforcement functions the state and to define basic
conformities to law, which predetermine the effective legal providing of process of their

Концептуалізація відносин "людина-держава" в лібералізмі

Дослідження присвячено комплексному аналізу ідеології, динаміки методології цивілізаційного будівництва – як в ретроспективі, так і в перспективі. Спираючись на обширний матеріал з багатьох областей знань – від філософії історії і політології до юриспруденції, фізики, медицини і богослов’я, - в пропонованій увазі читача праці подано критичний аналіз марксистсько-комуністичної і ліберально-буржуазної стратегії глобалізаційного процесу, піддано критиці  мондіалізм  і обґрунтована ідея кластерно-гармонійного комунізму, який являє собою оптимальну цивілізаційну перспективу сучасного людства.

Kant: war and peace. A difficult way to perpetual peace

The present article studies the problem of war and peace from the essay “To Perpetual Peace” by the prominent German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The attention is drawn to theoretical and philosophical comprehension of the problem of war and its social consequences, and to the ways to achieve perpetual peace. In his literary work the German philosopher reveals dialectics of interconnection of politics, law, morality and their role in achieving perpetual peace, creatively applying theoretical and methodological approach.

Protect the rights and liberties of the citizens at the stage of civil society

The article is dedicated to one of the main problems of the theory and philosophy of law. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving one of the fundamental problems of legal science, human rights and freedoms of man and citizen at the stage of civil society. The authors analyzed the individual and social factors in the formation of civil society. Also referred to the need to protect human and civil rights in the process.

Main institutions of civil society and rule of law, principles of cooperation

The article is dedicated to one of the main problems of the theory and philosophy of law. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving one of the fundamental problems of legal science: principles of interaction civil basic institutions of society and the rule of law. The authors analyzed the functioning of the common institutions of the rule of law and civil society. Also referred to the need for cooperation in the process of reforming society.

Development of civil society in Ukraine: state-government approach

The article is dedicated to one of the main problems of the theory and philosophy of law. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving one of the fundamental problems of social sciences: anthropology of civil society in terms of state-powerful approach. The authors conducted a correlation between individual and social factors of civil society in Ukraine.

The formation of national self-awareness as an important factor of patriotism in the future workers of law enforcement agencies

The actual problems of national self-awareness forming as an important factor of patriotism in the future students and cadets of higher education institutions of Ukraine are considered. The future law enforcement officers, on whom the state and society will put the responsibility for providing stable public order and public safety, the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine.

Violence as a political and legal program in theoretical concepts of marxism and its social consequences

The problem of violence in the theoretical concepts of Karl Marx and Friadrich Engels, as political and legal program dictatorship of the proletariat, role of the army and police in bourgeois and socialist society, implementation of Marxist ideals dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR and its social consequences.