

Наведені дослідження процесу екстрагування цільових компонентів, що знаходяться у шарі зернистого матеріалу. Процес стосується розчинення з зовнішньої поверхні твердих включень та екстрагування розчиненої речовини з шару інертного зернистого матеріалу у стаціонарному шарі.

Створення нового технологічного процесу повного перероблення розчину стебницького хвостосховища у кондиційні продукти – натрію хлорид і бішофіт

In this article the new technological process of complete processing of solution Stebnik’s tailings on the basis a complex experimental researches, which involves the use of standard equipment, is developed. It enables to get two conditioned products (sodium chloride and bishofit) and potassium-magnesium fertilizer. The cyclic using of organic extractant in the process enables dramatically reduce material costs of processing tailings solution and provides ecological completeness of the process.

Екстрагування хлоридів із суміші хлоридних і сульфатних солей застосуванням етанолу

In this article the extraction of chloride from a mixture of sulfate-chloride salts by aqueous organic extractant with ethanol was investigated. It is found that using of the ratio of T:P = 1:2 and the concentration of ethanol in the extractant 50 wt. % сan get a satisfactory yield chlorine-free product that meets to potassium-magnesium. 

Селективне вилучення хлоридів з твердого напівпродукту перероблення розчинів хвостосховищ калійних виробництв прикарпаття

In this paper the possibility of obtaining almost non-chloride products with the help of the experimental studies of selective extraction of sodium and potassium chlorides from intermediate product of processing solutions tailings potash industries - sediment of potassium-magnesium salts with a high chloride content (over 25 %) using aqueous organic extractant (acetone, methanol, ethanol) was proved. It is shown that to achieve a high yield of product the extraction process should be carried out in 40% aqueous acetone.

Дослідження процесу екстрагування хлоридів з виробничого шеніту з одержанням безхлоридного калійно-магнієвого добрива

In this paper the results of experimental studies of the extraction process of chlorides from the production schoenite that contains more than 15 wt. % Cl-, with using 20 ... 50 % aqueous solutions of isopropyl alcohol are given. It is shown that the realization of extraction in 30 % extractant in ratio between solid and liquid phases  that is equal 3, makes it possible to obtain a precipitate, which after dehydration contains on the dry weight (wt.

Дослідження процесу екстрагування магнію хлориду із суміші солей водними розчинами ізопропілового спирту з наступною кристалізацією кондиційного бішофіту

In this paper the experimental results of extraction magnesium chloride from solid intermediate product of processing of solution Stebnik's tailings with using 87.4...89.5 % aqueous solutions of isopropyl alcohol in the mass ratio between the solid and liquid phases 1:2.0...5.0 and the distillation of isopropyl alcohol with obtained solutions are presented. It is shown that the necessary conditions for obtaining of conditioned bischofite are the content in extractant 89.5 wt. % of isopropyl alcohol and the weight ratio between the solid and liquid phases that is equal 1:3,0...1:3.5.

Вплив умов екстрагування хлоридів із суміші солей на показники процесу

The results of comparative studies of the chloride extraction from a mixture of sulfate salts of chloride by aqueous and organic extractants based on ethanol, isopropanol and acetone are given. It was found that the most effective reagent for obtaining chlorine free product is ethanol. 
Наведені  результати  порівняльних  досліджень  екстрагування  хлоридів  із  суміші сульфатно-хлоридних  солей  водно-органічними  екстрагентами  на  основі  етанолу, ізопропанолу  та  ацетону.  З'ясовано,  що  найефективнішим  реагентом  для  одержання безхлоридного продукту є етанол. 

Extraction Process of Intracellular Substance

In this study the mathematical model of the extraction process from plant material is developed, taking into account the anatomical structure of plant material, namely the presence of cellular and intercellular spaces. The solution of the model enables to determine its kinetic coefficients Dc, Dt, process conditions, and predict the kinetics of the extraction process implementation in practice.

Some Kinetic Regularities of Intracellular Substance Extracting

Adequacy of mathematical model of the extraction process of cellular structure solid bodies (plant material) has been proved taking into account its anatomical structure, namely the presence of cellular and intercellular environment. Diffusion coefficients through the cellular membrane Dc and in intercellular environment Dт have been determined. Experimental verification of the accumulation of intracellular substances in intercellular environment during the extraction process flow has been made.

Kinetic Laws of Flavanoid Extraction from Mulberry Leaves by Extractant Cavitation Activation

Mass transfer in a capillary-porous body-liquid extraction, on condition that an activated and unactivated extractant is used, has been experimentally investigated. The mechanism of the extraction process for extracting the desired components from mulberry leaves has been found. Experimental results are generalized on the base of a mathematical model that allows the process to be predicted when implementing it in practice.