: 69-72
Політехнічний університет міста Кельце, факультет цивільної інженерії та архітектури

Досліджено питання, які стосуються формування архітектурних об’єктів у міських просторахі у природних просторах, де оточення – контекст – відносини із природою і збудованим середовищем створюють важливий функціональний і просторовий зв’язок.

1. Gil-Mastalerczyk, Zielona przestrzeń rozrywki w mieście – istotny element problematyki edukacyjnej [The Green Space of Entertainment in the City – An Important Element of the Issues of Education], [in:] Interdisciplinary research in architecture, BIWA 2, Conference monograph, (ed.) B. Komar, J. Tymkiewicz. Vol. 4. Educational projects. Ecological and ergonomic issues, published by the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice. P. 51–60, 2017.

2. Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk, Creations of Modern Architecture Corresponding to the Landscape on the Example Of Diploma Designs of Students of Architecture, (the reviewed paper submitted for publication in the Web of Conference), "WMCAUS2018" Prague, Czech Republic, 2018.

3. Gil-Mastalerczyk J. Conscious approach to urban and extra-urban space restructuring as seen in the designs of Architecture students, (the reviewed paper submitted for publication in the MATEC Web of Conference), "ECCE2018" Opole, Poland, 2017.

4. Leszkowicz M. Wineyard of Binissalem. Production complex with enoturism facilities located In Balearic Island, Spain (Engineering diploma thesis prepared in first cycle full-time studies. Promoter of the thesis: J. Gil-Mastalerczyk, PhD, Eng. of Architecture. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Poland, Kielce, 2017.

5. Karbowniczek K. Brody Lake – A Tourist and Leisure Zone (Engineering diploma thesis prepared in first cycle full-time studies. Promoter of the thesis: J. Gil-Mastalerczyk, PhD, Eng. of Architecture. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Poland, Kielce, 2017.

6. Wieczorek M. Paradise Cave – Exhibition and Research Centre in Chęciny (Engineering diploma thesis prepared in first cycle full-time studies. Promoter of the thesis: J. Gil-Mastalerczyk, PhD, Eng. of Architecture. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Poland, Kielce, 2017.

7. Gądek Z. Architektura miejsca, in: Prace polskich architektów na tle kierunków twórczych w architekturze i urbanistyce w latach 1945–1995 [Polish Architects' Work on the Background of Creative Trends in Architecture and Town-Planing in the years 1945–1995], t. II, Białkiewicz Z., Kadłuczka A., Zin B., (ed.), Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków 1995. P. 135.

8. Seruga W. Dom – otoczenie – wnętrze [House – Surroudings – Interior] in: Środowisko Mieszkaniowe [Housing Environment] 13/2014, Seruga W. (ed.), Publication of the Chair of Housing Environment, Politechnika Krakowska, Krakow, Poland, 2014. P. 276. 9. Gyurkovich J. Forma i kontekst [Form and Context], in: Czasopismo Techniczne z. 13. Architektura, z. 6-A [Technical Transactions. Architecture], Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, 2007. P. 56–61.