Motivated person is a driving force any company, independent of company’s size or purpose. Most companies do not give great value to motivating human resources or they can not properly analyze motivating system. The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanism of effective enterprise and human resource management based on key performance indicators.
An entrepreneur needs to bring the employees' goals closer to the main goals of the enterprise by meeting the needs of the staff, creating the necessary internal factors that give a positive effect and expected results. The main task facing the theorists and practitioners is the search for methods that allow enterprises to achieve their goals, using a new understanding of motivational approaches. One of these approaches is the use of key performance indicators - KPI.
KPI is a demonstration of success in particular situations or in particular singing chains. It is possible to say that KPI - quantitative indicator of the actually reached the results.
Key performance indicators KPI are a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time. These metrics used to determine a company's progress in achieving its strategic and operational goals, and to compare a company's finances and performance against other businesses within its industry.
The KPIs a business follows will depend upon its particular industry, and while some metrics will be important across an organization, each department will likely track KPI metrics specific to its own goals.
KPIs can be used within a company or department to track its goals and determine how best to achieve the best results.
Managing with KPIs often means working to improve leading indicators that will later drive lagging benefits. Leading indicators are precursors of future success; lagging indicators show how successful the organization was at achieving results in the past.
The relative business intelligence value of a set of measurements is greatly improved when the organization understands how various metrics are used and how different types of measures contribute to the picture of how the organization is doing.
Using key performance indicators, companies have the opportunity to formulate a strategy correctly, identify the important factors that influence the outcome of the enterprise, compare the results of staff work and their assessment. With the help of KPI it is possible to approach the system more qualitatively motivating and stimulating staff in the company.
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