Cylindrical control of holes of tube details manufactured by deforming broaching
Надіслано: Липень 14, 2018
Переглянуто: Вересень 12, 2018
Прийнято: Листопад 26, 2018

Ya. Nemyrovskyi , E. Posvyatenko, S. Sheikin, Yu. Tsekhanov , "Dynamics of two-mass mobile vibratory robot with electromagnetic drive and vibro-impact operation mode", Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 14-25, 2018.

Central Ukrainian National Technical University
National Transport University
V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Voronezh State Technical University

This work is devoted to the issues of processing holes in different thickness of tubular billets great length deforming broaching. The urgency of this problem is substantiated. The results of studying the regularities of deformation of a material in the deformation zone under deforming broaching are presented. The reasons for the formation of this type of geometric error as the curvature of the axis of the machined hole are established. They are caused by the variation of axial deformations of the sections of blanks of various thickness in the circumferential direction. An analytical-experimental model for determining the curvature of the axis of processed products is given. The factors influencing this kind of error are systematized. The main structural factors of the deforming broach are identified, which can influence this kind of error. Experimental studies were carried out to optimize the design parameters of the instrument. An experimental mathematical model is developed to determine the influence of the main constructive factors of the instrument on the change of this type of error. The conditions for minimizing the curvature of the axis of the machined hole are established. The influence of the conditions of basing the workpiece on the curvature of its axis is determined. The recommendations on the design of deforming broaches have been developed, which make it possible to ensure the alignment of the workpiece and the tool. New designs of deforming broaches have been developed, which make it possible to control the cylindricality of the treated deep holes. The results of experimental verification of the deforming broach designs developed during the processing of a pilot batch of various thickness blanks are presented.

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