
On some duties of the state authorities that relateto the execution of punishment in the form of deprivation of right huggingcertain positions or engage certain activities on convicts in the sphereof pension and social legislation of Ukraine

In the article, based on the analysis of the content of the duties specified by the law for
probation bodies, the problem issues concerning the execution of a sentence in the form of
deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in appropriate activities
regarding those convicted of crimes in the sphere of pensions and social security of Ukraine, as
well as Proposed scientifically substantiated measures on their solution in essence.

Planning as an important direction of organization in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction

The article investigates the of planning organization during the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction the process of disclosure of illegal acts on the part of stakeholders.

Decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy

The article is devoted to the analysis of issues of decriminalization as a method of criminal-legal policy. Summarizing that decriminalization, as a process of official recognition of the fact of the loss of a certain act of social danger and the exclusion of a norm that previously established the criminal responsibility for the said act from the Criminal Code of Ukraine, is one of the most effective methods of criminal-law policy.

Crimes against religious freedoms: foreign experience

The article is devoted to the analysis of criminal legal protection of religious freedoms of
citizens in foreign countries. Analyzing the content of the criminal law of many countries in the
world, related to the protection of religious freedoms of citizens, concluded that most of them
provide for such rules.At the same time, some of the existing Criminal Code do not criminalize
acts in this area. Such, for example, is the Criminal Code of France, the Criminal Code of

Depenalization as a method of criminal-law policy

The article is devoted to analysis of depenalization as a method of criminal-law policy. It
is concluded that the lack of a common understanding of the concept and essence of
depenalization does not allow the full implementation of this method of criminal-law in
practice. At the same time, he could act as one effective instrument for reforming domestic
criminal law in the context of the declared humanization of criminal responsibility and
punishment. It would seem that in this way it would be possible to significantly reduce the

The issue of crime prevention in relation to migrants in the decisions of the 12th United Nations Сongress on Combating Crime and Criminal Justice 2010

In 2010, the 12th United Nations Congress on Combating Crime and Criminal Justice was held in Salvador, Brazil. The agenda for the discussion included eight issues, among them issues related to criminal justice measures to combat the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings and 139 links to transnational organized crime, as well as crime prevention and criminal justice measures to combat violence against migrants, migrant workers and members of their families.

Mobbing: concept, essence and issues of criminalization

The article is devoted to the analysis of actions related to the psychological (moral)
persecution of an employee, that is, from the so-called mobbing Typically, mobbing may have
the purpose of forming an employee underestimating their own professional skills, which may
result in the actual inability to effectively perform their professional functions and often
subordination of his will to others (adaptation to the situation), or the emergence of mental or
psychosomatic illnesses. Currently, there is no special rule in Ukraine that would regulate the

Оrganizational and tactical measures to ensure the safety of persons during investigation of crimes in sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction

The article investigates the organizational and tactical characteristics of the safety of people during investigation of crimes in sphere of official activity in terms of obstructing the process of disclosure of illegal acts on the part of stakeholders.


Fifth international prison congress of 1895: the basic ideas and solutions

The article is devoted to analysis of issues related to the activities of the fifth International prison congress held in Paris in 1895. Studied the composition of the final participants, the main ideas expressed therein and the decisions taken as a result of his conduct. Special attention is paid to the prevention of juvenile crime.

Ensuring the safety of people in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction: problems of legal regulation

The article investigates the safety features people in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction the process of disclosure of illegal acts on the part of stakeholders and issues of legal regulation.