слідчі (розшукові) дії

Feautures of inspection of the place of the event in the process of pre-judicial investigation of certain criminal offenses against personal life

The article examines the problematic issues of the criminal process and criminology regarding the organization and inspection of the scene during the investigation of certain types of criminal offenses against a person's life, in particular, serial murders.

Investigation of crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies of Ukraine

In order to improve the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by convicts in the correctional colonies of Ukraine, to solve problematic issues that arise during the investigation of such crimes, there was a need to develop new scientifically based recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of combating crime, in particular recidivism, as well as improvement of the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of the pretrial investigation body during the investigation of such crimes.

Conducting a search during the investigation of illegal traffic of poisonous or strong medicinal products

The article examines the illegal handling of poisonous or potent drugs, which poses a danger to the health of the population, since the uncontrolled circulation of such items threatens an indefinite circle of participants in social relations. The article defines the tactical tasks of the investigation of criminal offenses and the algorithm for conducting such investigative (search) action as a search.

Investigative (search) actions: concept, meaning and types

In this article, I have characterized the system and features of investigative (search) actions, as well as the general requirements for their conduct. It was found that investigative (search) actions are the main means of proof, namely, a tool of cognitive activity for the investigation of criminal offenses.

In particular, it was established that the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (CPC) significantly modernized the procedure for carrying out criminal proceedings, introducing a number of new institutions.

Protection of private interests during criminal proceedings: comparative narratives

The article is devoted to the expediency of using foreign legislative experience on the mechanism of protection of personal and family life of a person during criminal proceedings.

Everyone is entitled to the protection of the right to liberty and security of a person, inviolability of private ownership, housing or other property, secrecy of communications, non-interference with privacy, etc.

Особливисті планування досудового розслідування вбивств: теоретичні та прикладні аспекти

Розкрито поняття та зміст планування розслідування вбивств. Проаналізовано
наукові розробки проблеми планування злочинів проти життя і здоров’я особи.
Визначено окремі ознаки вбивств, які необхідно враховувати під час складання плану їх
розслідування. Окреслено основні обов’язкові елементи планування розслідування
вбивств. Визначено планування окремих слідчих (розшукові) дій залежно від способу
вчинення злочину.

Організація планування розслідування злочинів, що вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я

Розглянуто поняття та сутність планування розслідування злочинів, що
вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я. Окреслено
основні елементи планування, які відображаються на основі слідчої версії.
Визначено слідчі (розшукові) дії, які необхідно планувати на початковому етапі
розслідування злочинів, що вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері
охорони здоров’я.

Features of planning of investigation of crimes in the field of economics

In the article a concept and maintenance of planning of investigation of crimes are exposed in the field of economics. Scientific developments of problem of planning of investigation of crimes are analysed in criminal realization. The separate signs of economic crimes are certain that must be taken into account at the stowage of plan of their investigation. The basic mandatory members of planning of investigation of crimes are outlined in the field of economics.