вищий навчальний заклад

Модель діяльності вищих навчальних закладів України: концептуальні та правові основи

Досліджено теоретико-правову модель діяльності вищих навчальних закладів
України, визначено її концептуальні та юридичні основи. Проаналізувавши природу
вищого навчального закладу як головного складового елементу системи вищої освіти та
ключового суб’єкта освітніх правовідносин доведено, що він є юридичною особою при-
ватного або публічного права, яка з підстав, передбачених національним законодавством,
долучається до публічних відносин і наділена адміністративними повноваженнями.
Відзначено, що вищий навчальний заклад як головний складовий елемент

Study of the system of organizational measures for the formation of the information image of the university

The information image of the university can be formed naturally, without the intervention of the university in the process. However, among other drawbacks, the passivity of universities also affects the integrity of the image. Holistic we assume the image of the university, which has components for each division of the university, which has the potential. That is, in the holistic image of the universities there are no spaces on certain activities of the university.


The article deals with analyzing the process of research products commercialization at higher education institutions in Ukraine and certain developed foreign countries. The process of research products commercialization at Ukrainian higher education institutions is observed as a reasonable and necessary way for increasing their financial potential. The authors study and analyze different techniques and ways of research products commercialization used by foreign higher education institutions. Some problems of research products commercialization in Ukraine are identified.

Створення єдиного інформаційного простору як засіб інтеґрації вищої і середньої школи

Обґрунтовано ідею інтеґрації середньої школи у віртуальне навчальне середовище вищого навчального закладу, окреслено шляхи її реалізації та проаналізовано проблеми, які можуть виникати в процесі інтеґрації. 

At the paper the idea of secondary school integration in higher school virtual learning environment and its realization ways is proposed. Problems that may arise in the integration process are under consideration.

Organizational innovation in managing a modern higher education institution

In the modern university decision-making processes are becoming more complex. Higher education institution functions as an enterprise, it should be remembered that efficient operation of such an institution depends on its effectiveness.

The article presents examples of implementation of selected management methods, which are organizational innovation in higher education: quality management system according to ISO 9001, Balanced Scorecard, Navigator.

Motivational aspects of creating innovative start-ups on the platform of higher educational institutions

The article proves that in Ukraine the conditions are created for the formation of start-ups on the platform of universities. It is proved that all participants of start-ups – companies, firms, universities, teachers, students etc. – have a clear motivation. The recommendations are made on the basis of research for legislative consolidation of some elements motivating the innovation process. The methods are obtained for creating and managing start-ups on the platform of Universities at the present stage of Ukrainian economy development. 

Theoretical foundations of higher educational institutions innovative activities

The relevance of research into innovative development of higher educational institutions is emphasized in the article.   The author considers Ukraine’s joining the Bologna process and adopting the new law "On higher education" that have increased the necessity of looking for such ways of education development that would correspond to modern demands.