: 106-118
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a strategy for improving the innovation of domestic industrial enterprises in modern conditions. The basis for solving this problem is a deep retrospective analysis of innovation in Ukraine in terms of investment sources and areas of expenditure on innovation of industrial enterprises.

Design/methodology/approach – In the article, the authors used the method of literature review to justify the importance of implementing a strategic map of the development of innovation potential of domestic industrial enterprises. On the basis of the retrospective analysis of innovation activity in Ukraine for 2000-2020 in the planes of sources of investment and directions of expenses the problem questions are defined and perspective directions of development of the industrial enterprises are defined. The use of statistical tools for the analysis of statistical data confirmed the correctness of the conclusions and the feasibility of applying the proposed measures to develop the innovative potential of industrial enterprises.

Findings – The strategic map of development of innovative potential of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is developed, the basic components are defined and their weight is qualitatively estimated. The hypothesis of the existence of problems in organizing innovation in Ukraine is proved, which is confirmed by the results of a retrospective analysis of the structure of sources of funding and costs of innovation. Based on the analysis of statistical data that reflect the state of support for innovation in Ukraine, identified the main problems in this area and possible ways to solve them.

Practical implications – The result of the study were conclusions about the nature and features of innovation potential of the enterprise, obtained on the basis of systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological developments, as well as analysis of statistical data in the context of the developed model of innovation potential of industrial enterprises. The results of this study are of interest to specialists of public administration, economists, top managers of industrial enterprises, who seek to improve strategies for developing the innovative potential of industrial enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness in the market.

Originality/value – This study developed a strategic map for the development of innovation potential of industrial enterprises. Carrying out research of statistical data for the period 2000-2020 according to the developed model of management of innovative activity the basic problems of the organization of innovative activity at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine have been defined and the directions of their decision are offered.

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