Ukrainian Carpathians

Geological structure of Peninic nappe of Ukrainian Carpathians

Purpose. The aim of the research is to study the geological structure of the Peninic nappe of the Ukrainian Carpathians taking into account new data of geology and geophysics. Methodology. The research methodology includes a detailed comprehensive analysis of geological survey data, prospecting, drilling, and geophysical studies of the Peninic nappe. Results. The Peninic nappe include the rocks of Triassic – Oligocene ages is the South-West unit of the Outer (Flysch) Carpathians.

Geodynamics, tectonics and seismicity of Carpathian region of Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of researches – to analyze the characteristics of modern geodynamics, tectonics and seismicity of Carpathian region of Ukraine and its components – the Folded Carpathians, Transcarpathians and Precarpathians. Methodology. The methodology includes a detailed complex analysis of the deep structure and seismotectonic activity in the region and its separate zones on the basis of specially developed methods of refinement the coordinates and depth of local earthquakes sources and complex of geological and geophysical data. Results.

The strain-stress state modelling of the sedimentary complex in collision zone and dynamic conditions of early thrusts formation in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Series of the finite-element 2D-models of thrusts in the flysh basin on the base of elastoplasticity equations for piecewise-homogeneous medium are proposed. Using computer modelling the formation mechanism of thrusting in the Ukrainian Carpathians during Early Cretaceous is improved. Within the framework of the complex analysis the fields of calculated stresses and strains of the sedimentary rocks in the collision zone are studied. The place of first thrusts with general Carpathian orientation, the role of tectonic displacements and paleo-basin basement morphology are determined.

Reconstruction of cenozoic paleostress fields in the flysch complex of the Opir river valley (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians)

Purpose. Reconstruction of paleostress fields, as evidence of many publications of different parts of the Carpathians, can carried out through research the most common brittle and semibrittle structure – joints, slickensides, faults, regional and local folds, or complex research of joints and slickensides. The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the paleostress fields and deformation regimes of flysch deposits in Opir River Valley using complex analysis of joints and slickensides.

Ukrainian Carpathians in the structure of pancardi (magmatism and geodynamics)

Purpose of investigations – to ascertain the position of Ukrainian part of the Carpathian geosyncline in the common structure of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinarides region (Pancardi) at different stages of the development. Methodology. Integrated analysis of the peculiarities of different-age magmatism together with other geological-geophysical material and reconstruction of the structure and geodynamics of both the whole Pancardi and the Ukrainian Carpathian in particular at different stages of alpine development. Findings.

Mapping of Berezivska ring structure in the gravity and magnetic fields (southwest of Kolomyya paleovalley)

Purpose. The purpose of research is to identify the geological and tectonic nature complex morphology intensive gravimagnetic anomaly in the southwest Kolomiyskogo paleovalleys, which is located within the Precarpathians trough Ukrainian Carpathians. Methodology.

Isostasy of Ukrainian Carpathian

Isostatic compensation of the Earth crust is discussed. Using the ETOPO1 digital elevation model and gravity data a Moho model and isostatic anomalies field was constructed for the area of Ukrainian Carpathians, bounded by: φ=47.30÷50,300 N, λ=22÷270 E. Technique for isostatic anomalies calculation is described. Relation between the isostatic anomalies and main tectonics units of region is defined.

The role of magmatism in paleogeodynamic reconstructions

Significance of magmatism as a marker of geodynamic processes of the past geological epochs is considered. A scheme of phased studies of magmatic rocks is given as well as their generalization and connection to tectonic structures. On the basis of formation analysis and mineral-geochemical indicators of the Cainozoic volcanites it is proved that geological development of the Ukrainian Carpathians during Cainozoic go on a collision geodynamic regime type.

The stress-strain state modelling of the autochthonous sedimentary complex in the dynamic influence zone of the thrust wedge

Purpose. Computer modelling in the framework of continuum mechanics is a powerful tool to obtain qualitative and quantitative deformation parameters in the geological media. The purpose of this work was to study stress and strain fields of the sedimentary autochthonous complex owing to moving a thrust wedge. Subject of inquiry is layered rocks with different geometrical and mechanical properties bounded by the basement of the peleobasin and compressive thrust wedge taking into account the gravitational forces and contact frictions. Methodology.

New promising areas, deposits, and types of hydrocarbon traps in the thrust areas under the Ukrainian Carpathians

A new area is suggested for hydrocarbon explorations in the margin shaft of the Eurasian platform, in the Transcarpathians. The productive systems: Devonian, Carboniferous, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene. Traps of various types are possible.