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Scientific articles Authors Journals
13401 Падіння розрядної ємності композитних limn2o4-електродів з вуглецевими нанотрубками, досліджене за методом імпедансної спектроскопії

Апостолова Р. Д., Пєсков Р. П., Шембель О. М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13402 Термодинаміка розчинів 2-фурил-2-ціано-2-пропенаміда в органічних розчинниках

Четвержук Я. А., *Горак Ю. І., Собечко І. Б., Кочубей В. В., Сергеєв В. В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13403 Дослідження в’язкості золь-гель систем на основі тетраетоксисилану

Євчук І. Ю.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13404 Синтез плівок цинк сульфіду (ZnS) методом хімічного поверхневого осадження

Шаповал П. Й., Созанський М. А., Ятчишин Й. Й., Гумінілович Р. Р

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13405 Mathematical model of destruction kinetics dislocations in cutting plastoelastic workpiece material

Stupnytskyy V.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13406 The analysis of service ability of polyethylene pipes and tanks with the hollow wall by strength criterion

Stashchuk M., Dorosh M., Sokil M.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13407 Nonlinear oscillations of elastic beam including dissipation and the galerlkin method in their investigation

Kuzio I., Pukach P., Nytrebych Z., Sokhan P.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13408 Design features and effort offtorque limiters.

Hlobchak M., Malashchenko V.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13409 Estimation parameters unsteady fluctuations crane systems with one degree of freedom of movement in the vibrovyprobuvan of mechatronic controlsystems

Chovniuk Yu., Dikteruk M., Pochka K.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13410 Calculation of basic characteristics of resonance vibratory separator drive

Stotsko Z., Sokil B., Topilnytskyy V., Rebot D.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13411 Simulation development of the basic elements of cable devices with the mobile pulling-carrying rope

Sologoub B., Ishchuk V., Danylo Y.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13412 Construction of skeletal curves elastic coupling with a near-zero or negativ inflexibility

Pasika V., Romanchuk I.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13413 Comparative analysis of theoretical and experimental results determine the natural frequencies the metal mast lifting device

Nosov Yu

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13414 Experimental determination strained condition of elongated cylindrical shell caused by the interaction of the support roller

Novickiy Yu.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13415 Methods of experimental study of the dynamics spline connections during periodic load

Malashchenko V., Strilets A., Strilets V.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13416 Modified kinematics analysis supporting rotary cranes

Malashchenko, Heletiy V, Fedyk V.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13417 Application phase-frequency methods to influence the parameters of forced power to minimize vibration dynamic coefficients of dry friction

Loveykin V, Chovniuk Y, Pochka K

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13418 Features kinematics process of obtaining teeth of cylindrical wheels radial-circular formooutvorennyam

Lytvynyak Y

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13419 Settings quencher dynamic fluctuations during vuzkochastotnoho disturbance

Diveev BM, Parashchuk DL

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13420 Effect of limit values of rigidity body and supports the state rotating unit

Dzyubyk L.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13421 Computer modeling of stress-strain state modified roller supporting rotary cranes

Heletiy V, Novickij Y, Fedyk V

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13422 Phenomenal Fashion definition and concept of "rolling resistance coefficient" wheel transporter.

Haschuk P., Nikipchuk S.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13423 Сalculation of non-stationary processes in the mechanical system rewinding machines open.

Vysotska K.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13424 Eksperymertalni study transient modes of passenger elevator mechanical system

Bondarchuk B.

Series of Dynamics, Strength and Design of Machines and Devices
13425 Аналітичний контроль процесів одержання алкілциклогексенкарбоксилатів методом газорідинної хроматографії

Костів І. С., Маршалок Г. О., Ятчишин Й. Й., Полюжин І. П.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13426 Розробка методики аналітичного контролю реакції каталітичного ацилювання гідроксіполіоксіалкілен(мет)акрилатів ангідридами дикарбонових кислот

Гладій А. І., Цюпко Ф. І., Полюжин І. П., Ятчишин Й. Й., Ларук М. М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13427 Густина, надлишковий об’єм і парціальні мольні об’єми розчинів ізобутилметакрилату в ацетонітрилі і бензені

Сергеєв В. В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13428 Рівновага рідина – пара в системі ацетонітрил – ізобутилметакрилат за атмосферного тиску

Сергеєв В. В., Чан Ван Тхань, Ван-Чин-Сян Ю. Я.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13429 Innovation technologies in training specialists in engineering materials science Zoya Duriagina, Lidiya Bohun, Eduard Pleshakov, Tetiana Tepla Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13430 Синтез нових типів сульфуровмісних похідних моносахаридів

Кінаш Н. І., Гевусь О. І., Долинська Л. В., Скібіцький Р. П.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13431 Causes of ductility-dip cracks formation in in52 and in52 mss alloys during fusion welding Grigorii Beliaiev, Ivan Volosatov, Mykola Kakhovskyi Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13432 Micromechanical properties and thermal annealing of zinc oxide bulk ceramic Ihor Virt, Yuriy Pavlovskyy, Ivan Hadzaman Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13433 Синтез і властивості плівок цинк сульфіду (ZnS), отриманих з використанням комплексоутворювача натрій гідроксиду

Шаповал П.Й., Созанський М. А., Ятчишин Й. Й.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13434 Modification of surfaces of special alloys by nitrogen for power engineering Zoya Duriagina, Tetiana Tepla Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13435 Сульфурвмісні комплексони як потенційні антидоти при отруєнні сполуками меркурію

Ранський А. П., Діденко Н. О., Гордієнко О. А., Авдієнко Т. М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13436 The structure, mechanical and electrophysical properties of monocrystalline silicon under influence of constant magnetic field Valentina Kutzova, Olha Nosko, Andrey Sulay Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13437 Development of welding consumables for wet underwater welding of high-alloy corrosion-resistant steel Yurij Kakhovskyi, Mykola Kakhovskyi Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13438 Identifying the elastic moduli of composite plates by using high-order theories Bohdan Diveyev Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13439 The hydro-automatic damping system against dynamic vibrations Leonid Pelevin, Mykola Karpenko, Stanislav Lavryk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13440 Обгрунтування складу водних технологічних мастильно-охолоджувальних рідин на основі поліакриламіду

Шаповал Й. М., Полюжин І. П., Коцан М. П., Полюжин Л. І.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13441 The phase difference between components of elliptical oscillations of vibratory conveyor providing maximum conveying velocity Іgor Vrublevskyi Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13442 Electromechanical model of machine for vibroabrasive treatment of machine parts Ruslan Gorbatiyk, Igor Palamarchuk, Roman Chubyk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13443 Synthesis of structure and research of operation of resonance two-mass vibrating table with electromagnetic drive Оleksii Lanets, Volodymyr Borovets, Olena Lanets, Yaroslav Shpak, Vasyl Lozynskiy Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13444 Robust mechanical systems with mechatronic devices: parameters identification and vibration control Yurii Chovnyuk, Mykhailo Dikterjuk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13445 Nonlinear analysis in synthesis of the resonant vibro-impact systems Volodymyr Gursky, Ihor Kuzio Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13446 Fundamentals of creation of new devices for speed change management Volodymyr Malashchenko, Oleh Strilets, Volodymyr Strilets Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13447 Analysis of structure and kinematics of four-bar crank-rocker walking mechanism Vitaliy Korendiy Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13448 Impact and particle buffered vibration absorbers optimization and design Bohdan Diveyev Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
13449 Порівняння кристалічних структур октаціанідо-комплексів молібдену та вольфраму з рідкісноземельними елементами

Семенишин Д. І., Типіло І. В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13450 Propagation of elastic-tough-plastic wave in a rod of ideally plastic material which possesses the property of yield delay Yaroslav Andrusyk Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science