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16291 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
13301 Conceptual approach to define the notion “green logistics”

Chornopyska N.V.

13302 Використання амінокислот в процесі окиснення циклогексану

Супрун О. О., Реутський В. В., Іващук О. С., Мудрий С. О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13303 Estimating the value of real estate logistics objects

Falovych V.A.

13304 “The physical internet” as a new global logistics conception

Skoryk O.

13305 Systematization of methods and tools of operative controlling at enterprise

Rusanovska O.A.

13306 The project bases of Ukrainian transport infrastructure development

Pokhylchenko O.

13307 Утилізація спиртових відходів

Кожушко М. І., Лудин А. М., Реутський В. В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13308 Modern trends and prospects for logistics concepts development

Pytulyak N.S.

13309 The problems of identification of integrated structures in a competitive environment

Petryk I.

13310 Smart shopping as consumer orientation and its selected correlates – empirical investigation

Mącik R., Nalewajek M.

13311 Actual problems of economics and capitalization value-oriented management: new challenges of marketing

Mnykh O.B.

13312 Market research of the Ukrainian labour market

Melnyk O.G., Horbal N.I., Hryvnak A.V.

13313 Conceptual principles of risk management in logistic system of enterprise

Margita N.О., Hryniv N.Т.

13314 The multi attributive model of cumulative territorial product of balneological resorts

Mamchyn M., Dobush Y.

13315 The peculiarities of the strategic planning of the regional power industry sustainable development

Liulchak Z.S.

13316 Supporting the competitiveness of dairy processing enterprises in terms of european integration

Kubrak N. R.

13317 Innovations in the field of marketing as a factor for increasing the competitiveness of domestic dairy processing factories

Krykavskyi Y.V., Kosar N.S., Stets О.М.

13318 Recycling – principal tendency of environmental marketing development in Ukraine

Kosar N.S., Kuzjo N.E., Sokil Ju.R.

13319 Cold chain development in Ukraine

Kobylyukh O.Y., Melnyk G.M.

13320 Demarketing of fuel and energy resources in housing and utilities sector

Karyy O., Trach O.

13321 Logistic systems at the national level for reducing technogenic losses

Bublyk M.I.

13322 Реакційноздатні похідні епоксидованої соняшникової олії

Яцишин О. І., Братичак М. М.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13323 Institutionalization of innovations in the context of strengthening economic security of a state and enterprises

Brytskyi R. M.

13324 Reaction to the commodity trap – playing by the rules or changing the rules?

Bondos I., Lipowski M.

13325 Logistical aspects and prospects of oil and gas complex of Ukraine

Babyak L.V.

13326 Дослідження нейоногенних деемульгаторів різної будови на штучних нафтових емульсіях

Топільницький П. І., *Голич Ю. В., Романчук В. В.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13327 International research of european market of young e-consumers (methodological dilemmas)

Jaciow M.

13328 Використання залишкової базової оливи як основи мастильних рідин

Сабан І. І., Гринишин О. Б., Кочубей В. В

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13329 Evaluation of customer service in the supply chain of food products

Yakymyshyn L.Y., Chtej N.I.

13330 Organization of activities in the structure of logistics enterprises value chain

Shandrivska O., Lendуel О.

13331 Дослідження емульсійної коолігомеризації ненасичених вуглеводнів фракції с9 в різних дисперсійних середовищах

Субтельний Р.О., Фуч У.В., Б.В. Поліщук, Дзіняк Б.О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13332 Determinants of development of the market for bio-products among young polish consumers

Szajt M.

13333 Development of logistics in Ukraine: environmental dimension

Chornopyska N.V.

13334 Двостадійний спосіб ініційованої коолігомеризації ненасичених вуглеводнів фракції с9

Оробчук О. М., Субтельний Р. О., Мареш З. Ю., Дзіняк Б. О

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13335 Csr as an element of based-value marketing. Implementation of corporate social responsibility by the danone group in Poland

Howaniec H.B.

13336 The use of the concept of archetypes in building an international brand of ladies' lingerie

Furtak R.

13337 Властивості композиційних матеріалів на основі реакційноздатних вуглеводневих олігомерів

Кічура Д. Б.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13338 Private label on food market in Poland

Urbańska J.

13339 Energy and ecological efficiency as a result thermal modernization of buildings

Ujma A., Lis A.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13340 The air channel function in real life – insulation against rising damp in historical buildings

Tazky L., Sedlakova A.

Series Theory and Building Practice
13341 Дослідження модифікації дорожніх бітумів гумовою крихтою

Хлібишин Ю. Я., 1Почапська І. Я., 2Гринишин О. Б., 2Нагурський А. О.

Series of Chemistry, Materials Technology and their Application
13342 Marketing in the primary production sector

Tomczak-Wozniak E.

13343 Marketing risks: essence and place in structure of Ukrainian enterpises risk-profile

Starostina A.O., Kravchenko V.A.

13344 The role of marketing innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises

Stanisławski R.

13345 Personal consumption in Poland in global crisis conditions

Sobczyk G.

13346 Influence of internationalization on consumer exclusion from the financial services market

Smyczek S.

13347 Key environmental factors and strategic choices of enterprises in Poland

Śliwińska K., Folga R.

13348 Perspectives of innovation development of ukrainian industrial branches in economy internationalisation process

Reshetilova T.

13349 The role of social media in the young consumers market – case study for Poland and Germany

de Pourbaix P., Chmielewski K.

13350 Polish service enterprises in an international market: marketing perspective

Pluta-Olearnik M.
