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16227 results
Scientific articles Authors Journals
14501 Once again about the most known penitentiaries of the world: “Arctic owl”

Kostyantyn Marysyuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14502 The use of economic-mathematical modeling and modern technologies in the optimization of enterprise’s marketing distribution policy

N.E. Kuzjo, N.S. Kosar

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14503 Levers of regional investment activity regulation: definition, differentiation, possibilities of use

T. V. Kulinich

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14504 Challenges of bodies of internal affairs reform

Nataliya Lesko, Nazariy Shabelko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14505 Transformation of regional policy in terms of innovation-based economy

O. A. Iermakova

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14506 Trends of hotel industry development in Lviv region

A.V. Dubodelova, I.Ya. Kulyniak, Kh.Yu. Malkush

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14507 Problems of effective enterprise’s business model developing in current market conditions

Y.V. Demkiv

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14508 Active and passive subornation of official face of legal entity of public law is on the criminal legislation of Ukraine

Volodymyr Kyshpit

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14509 The biomass usage as an energy source in choosing the enterprise’s location

B.D. Hrechyn

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14510 The possibility of reaching a compromise during the investigation (search) action

Yevhen Kurta, Halyna Rymarchuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14511 Formation of the favorable information and investment environment as a basis of developing structural business shell

V. J. Havran, I. I. Novakivskyi

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14512 Dynamics of production assets and evaluation of investments to ensure their reproduction

V. B. Voytsekhovskyy, Y. V. Voytsekhovska, P. B. Syrvatka

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14513 Prerequisites for modernization of material and technical resources in agriculture

P. S. Viatkin

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14514 Modernization of industrial enterprises as the important prerequisite of their transition to the innovative development

J. M. Petrovych

Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues
14515 Adaptive game method of signals synchronization of the distributed systems

Petro Kravets

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14516 Investigation of existing image denoising algorithms

O. Pavliuk, R. Kutelmakh

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14517 Method of forming latent image to protect documents based on the effect moire


Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14518 Development of torture in the ukrainian lands

Mariya Koval

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14519 Random transition layers construction method and its application in heterogeneous structures multiscale modelling by OpenCL technology

Jaworski N., Farmaga I., Marikutsa U.

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14520 The activity of bodies of internal affairs under the conditions of war state

Myroslav Kovaliv, Valeriy Ivacha

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14521 Recovery scheme of distributed computing based on ideal ring relationship

Riznyk O.Y., Povshuk O.V., Vyushkova K.V

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14522 Energy-signal concept of determining the state of dental technological process as energy-active object

Y. Dragan, V. Nukutyuk, U. Palanica

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14523 Political terrorism violence as a last resort

Volodymyr Kantsir

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences

Ihor Zubach

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14525 Development of in-situ calibration method's algorithm for thermal imager

Yu. Dzikovs’ka, N. Gots

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14526 Description of some reasons and terms of committing violent crimes in family in the state of aggressive behavior

Oleksiy Gumin

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14527 Estimation of methods efficiency of sequence processing determination of electronic documents in internet

V. Osypenko, A. Shvorov

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14528 About communication of many-multiple covering optimization problems of bounded sets and problems of multiplex-partitioning

О. Mykhalova

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14529 Operative search of prevention of crimes that is accomplished organized by criminal groups

Lev Hula

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14530 Mathematical modelling of nonlinear dynamics in activator-inhibitor systems with superdiffusion

Z. Prytula

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14531 Normatively-legal adjusting, organization and tactics of co-operation of investigator with an expert

Volodymyr Baranyak

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14532 The mathematical modeling of convective process of wood drying with taking into account phase transitions boundaries

Boretska I., Sokolovskyy Ya.

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14533 Kant: war and peace. A difficult way to perpetual peace

Oleksiy Ostapenko, Vasyl Ryashko

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14534 Principles and means of methods of statistical processing of periodically correlated random processes implementations annotation

Ya. Dragan, V. Dozorsky, I. Dediv, L. Dediv

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14535 The formation of the social protection authorities of population of the eastern galicia during the interwar period (1918–1939)

Olha Malaniy, Volodymyr Makarchuk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14536 Features of control web-resources commercial content based fuzzy logic

Andriy Berko, Kateryna Alieksieieva, Victoria Vysotska

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14537 Evolution foreign policy doctrine of Russia (beg. XX – early. XXI): aspects of ideological and legal background

Volodymyr Makarchyk

Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences
14538 Measurement of electrophysical parameters of alcoholic solutions

E. Pokhodylo, V. Yuzva

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14539 Modeling the adsorption connections and their influence on informational parameters of metal-electrolyte interface

R. Dzhala, V. Yuzevych, M. Melnyk

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14540 Construction of the text’s content model based on logic and linguistic models

А.І. Vavilenkova

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14541 Modeling of dissolution, ion exchange and adsorption in soils

M. Voronenko

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14542 Model optimize the performance of wireless sensor networks for optimality can select from transmission and activity schedule active/sleep sensor

V. Gnatushenko

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14543 Auto calibration method of periodic device for measuring the pressure drop variable costs


Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14544 Development method of protecting images with amplitude-modulated screening using ateb-functions

Nazarkevych М.

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14545 Methodical errors of measurement of the human body tissues electrical parameters

O. Antoniuk, Y. Pokhodylo

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14546 Fuzzy-based crane control system

I. Verbenko, R. Tkachenko

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14547 Verification of data for the implementation of the forecast of dollar using artificial neural networks

Tremba N., Dronyuk I.

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14548 Software implementayion of improved reliability model of technical redundant system with a limited number of restorations

Mandziy B., Seniv М., Yakovyna V., Mosondz N.

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14549 Information technology of traffic monitoring and analysis in computer networks

V. Kordyak, I. Droniuk, O. Fedevych

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
14550 Integrated automated system for the implementation of forecast of consumption electrical energy in lviv region

O. Pavlyuk

Series of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies