ISBN: 978-617-7826-23-0
BOOK DOI: 10.51500/7826-23-0
Collective monograph «Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection. Energy Saving. Sustainable Environmental Management»
Published by results of the 7th International Congress «Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection. Energy Saving. Sustainable Environmental Management»
The monograph is devoted to the coverage of the results of scientific reports announced at the 6th International Congress «Sustainable Development: Environmental Protection. Energy Saving. Sustainable Environmental Management», on the topic:
- environmental aspects, biodiversity preservation, monitoring, audit, system analysis and risk assessment;
- renewable and nontraditional energy sources;
- innovation nature protection technologies. Technologies for efficiency increase from using materials, water and energy. Eco-innovation in architecture;
- education and rearing for sustainable development;
- economic-management support for construction, implementation and commercializing of eco-innovations in the system of sustainable development;
- development of environmental tourism in sustainable development aspect;
- civil safety in the aspect of sustainable development.
For scientists, teachers, graduate students, doctoral students, etc.