Instruction to authors

Materials submission order for publishing to congress proceedings and congress materials


Congress abstracts are submitted in dates, set in the information letter on the congress. Finished abstracts should be sent to the congress email .  Format requirements for abstracts:

Volume - 1 printed page, all fields 25 mm.

For publishing proceedings materials are accepted in Ukrainian, Russian or English language.

  • Text should be typed in Microsoft Word, doc (docx) format. Type: Times New Roman Cyr.
  • Equations (11pt) should be centered and labelled. Organizing Committee recommends to prepare equations in MS Equation or MathType
  • Figure (are not recommended to include) insert in the following way: copy in buffer, after chose “Correct”, “Special insert” and chose “Image”; figure undersign 9 pt: Fig. 1а; Fig. 2а, b. are inserted on the centre.

Material placing order:

Authors: surnames and initials of the authors are typed with capital letters centred, country and city in brackets bold (12pt). Surname of the reporter should be underlined.

Report title: in the next row with big letters, bold (halfbold 12pt).

Information about the affiliation: in the next row centred  title of establishment or institution, its postal address and e-mail (italics, 12 pt), interval before and after title (6 pt).

You need to leave one free row between the annotation and the address

Abstract in the next row from indention (1 cm) after the word "Abstract"(bold 11pt) in English – 5-7 lines 11pt.

Report text: in the next row from indention (1 cm) 11pt.


Format example text is in the attached file

Abstracts aren’t peer-reviewed, program committee is not responsible for abstracts contents.  One author can be present in not more than in three abstracts.  

It will also be possible to publish an article in the «Journal of Ecological Engineering». (SCOPUS, Web of Science) or «Environmental Problems». (Index Copernicus), depending on the recommendation of the reviewers.

Publication fee in the journal Environmental Problems is free, and in the Journal of Ecological Engineering is accordance with the requirements

It is planned to publish a collective monograph with ISBN and DOI assignment, which may include articles of all participants who have successfully passed the review.

Technical requirements for the design of a section (article) for a collective monograph

Article format - A4, book orientation, materials prepared in Microsoft Word format, file format: *.doc or *.docx
The language of the article is Ukrainian or English
Margins - all sides - 2 cm
The main font is Times New Roman
The font size of the main text is 14 points
Interline spacing - one and a half
Text alignment - by width
Automatic placement of hyphens is disabled
Paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm
Numbering of pages is not carried out
Figures and tables must be submitted in the article immediately after the text, where they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. The font size of the table text is usually 2 points smaller than the main font. The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be appropriate. Drawings and tables on landscape pages are not accepted.
Formulas must be typed using a formula editor (internal formula editor in Microsoft Word for Windows).
Volume - at least 12 pages.

The sequence of placement of structural elements in a scientific article

1. Title of the article: in capital letters in the middle, bold (semi-bold 12pt).
2. Authors: last name, initials of authors, bold 12pt. Each author is recorded on a new line indicating the institution, country, city.
3. Leave one blank line between the title and the first author.
4. Extended abstract: in English (regardless of the language of publication) from the next line after the word "Abstract". The length of the abstract is 100-200 words.
5. Leave one blank line between the last author and the abstract.
6. Introduction is a mandatory part of the work, in which the author indicates the novelty of the topic and the relevance of scientific solutions. The purpose of the research should be clearly stated along with the research tasks. It is necessary to indicate the research methodology, the logic of presenting the researched material.
7. The main text should be divided into meaningful sections with separate headings, it is necessary to reveal the essence of each section. Do not use too long titles - titles of up to 4-6 words are acceptable.
8. The article should contain conclusions from the conducted research (Conclusions), which present detailed specific conclusions (possible by points) based on the results of the research and prospects for further development in this direction.
9. List of references (АРА style):

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vymogydomonografiyien.docx19.57 KB