: 54-80
Privat, Lviv

The author describes the architectural and archaeological research conducted by him, or with his participation, of objects in the north-eastern part of the lviv's midtown, which probably belong to the period of the formation of a new part of the city, intended for the capital of the Rus kingdom (mid. XIII - mid. XIV c.).

Described: 1 - features of a well-preserved fragment of the defensive high wall of the city, indicating its construction on a previously uninhabited area; 2 - mysterious relics of the original layout and elements of the late Romanesque architecture of the representative building, which was later incorporated into the monastic ensemble; 3 - masonry features and construction periodization of the circle of the main courtyard of the Dominican monastery, indicating two early stages of its construction: 2 half XIII century and the beginning 15th century; 4 – an archaeologically uncovered section of a part of a high wall, which had a distinctly representative character; 5 – a stone underground liturgical chest behind the main altar of the Church.

A cursory historiographical review of the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the Dominican monastery in Lviv and a new interpretation of the sources in the light of the findings presented have been added. The research adds new arguments in favor of the localization of the palace-residence of Prince Lev Danylovych in this part of the Midtown, and it is even quite confident to interpret the preserved building structures and architectural elements as his relics. Key words: formation of Midtown, high defensive wall, princely palace-residence; Dominican monastery, masonry technique.

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