
Моделювання алгоритмів природного формоутворення

Розглянуто математичну модель природного формоутворення. Запропонована модель ґрунтується на геометричних властивостях природних елементів. На основі запропонованих формул розроблено відповідне програмне забезпечення для моделювання процесу філотаксису. Отримані результати можуть бути використані у будівництві, архітектурі та у дизайні

Theoretical and methodological principles of development of the communicative system of public administration

The necessity of forming a communicative system of public administration as a way of ensuring the coordination of activities of state, self-governing, public and media authorities in management of social processes is grounded. The theoretical and methodological principles of formation of the communicative system of public management and its structural and functional model are defined.

Formation of personnel potential in the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine

Problem settings. In Ukraine, the formation of amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) is carried out in the process of administrative-territorial reform implementation. Resilience of the community is ensured by strong financial and infrastructural bases and staffing potential. Determination of the main directions of ensuring the formation of the personnel potential of local self-government bodies will increase the professional level of provision of administrative services at the local level.

Masonry Unit Manufacturing Technology Using Polymeric Binder

The paper discusses a problem of formation and search of efficient ways to recycle wastes generated by waste treatment plants, a proposed technology for their heat treatment and utilization of waste as a raw material component for the production of masonry units. High-density polyethylene is used as a binder.

Levers of regional investment activity regulation: definition, differentiation, possibilities of use

The essence of levers of regulation and increased efficiency of investment activities in the region  is  determinated  in  terms  of  regional  economy,  management,  theory  and  practice  of investment.  Classification  of  levers  of  regional  investment  activities  regulation  is  proposed.