In 2005 the Dnepropetrovsk geophysical expedition ”Dneprogeofizika” had been performed profile works by methods of the audio-magnetotellurgic sounding (AМТS) and МТS in a complex with other geophysical methods in the central part of the Srednepridneprovsky megablock of the US. Observations were carried out by equipment "V-5 System 2000" of the Canadian company "Phoenix Geophysics Limited". The vertical differentiation of the lithosphere which is shown both in size of effective resistance, and in change of geoelectric anomaly from horizontal to essentially inclined has been established. Thus visible vertical capacity of layers of the geoelectric discontinuity increases with depth, and at crossing in the upper mantle (lower of section of the Moho) their borders become less accurate. On depths more than 100 km the form of the geoelectric anomalies become "in the form of an oval" or "more isomeric" that can be connected with presence of small chambers of the partial melts.
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