The geodesy survey of small island ice caps in Antarctic Peninsula region within the framework of the GIS project for the Argentine Islands archipelago has been started in 2002. The purpose of monitoring is the possible regional climate changes observation on shape, position, dynamics and future of archipelago small ice caps. The task was determined by the latest data of regional warming up to +5°C in the Faraday/Vernadsky area during the last century. The main objectives of the survey are creation of the large-scale digital maps (1:25,000 - 1:1,000) for the Argentina Islands region, producing the precision geodesic data for ice cap monitoring and the evolution model creation. The geomorphology monitoring of the ice caps is based on the GPS and photogrammetric survey. The data of fifty years meteorological observations and tide data at Faraday/Vernadsky station, long-term variability in sea-ice extent/thickness, monitoring of ozone layer and UV energy flow, hydrological measurements provided at Vernadsky, the upper atmosphere changes measurements over Antarctica, the botanical evidence of climate changes are the additional sources for climate pattern of Antarctic Peninsula. The changes of size, shape, deformation, moving velocity and the edge position of ice caps on Argentine Islands archipelago shows the possibility to use the geodetic survey data of the ice cap for the regional climate variability study. The research is based on historical data ice cap observation of Galindez Island and other islands in the area. On the base the photogrammetric survey the large-scale digital map (1:1,000) of the Marina Point of Galindez Island was created.
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