Purpose. The purpose of these studies is to analyze the influence of geological structure, including engineering geological zoning, morphological features of relief to the characteristics of landslides and their subsequent statistical analysis to identify the impact of external factors to the complex conditions of formation of landslides. Worked out inventory of landslides Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions that contain information about the spatial database and features of 3458 landslides. Methods. Solving this problem consists of the following stages: 1) determine of zoning patterns and distribution of landslides using GIS technologies (building maps with appropriate zoning and counting the number of shifts, each geotechnical field, each geotechnical area calculation of the surface area affected by landslides, the distance to the base level, the slope exposition); 2) analysis of the distribution of landslides of relative geological units; 3) analysis of the distribution of landslides with respect to the exposure of the slope; 4) the statistical analysis of characteristics of landslides - length, width, area, height of wall disruption, power of sliding mass and morphological characteristics of relief - absolute marks of landslides, steep slope and distance to the base level of erosion with application of cross-correlation and cluster analyses for determination of influence of external factors to forming of landslides; 5) analyze the impact of steep longitudinal profile of the formation of different types of landslides. Results. The research is a necessary part for spatiotemporal prediction of landslides. Scientific novelty. By a cluster analysis the groups of landslides of changes are selected which are determined the different terms of forming. According to the geomorphological setting – steep of longitudinal profile determined by the flow landslides and mudslides of block bearings, which are characterized by different mechanisms of displacement. The practical significance. The results obtained during the research can be used to predict the risk of landslides and an early warning of possible landslides, in the development of anti-measures, in assessing areas for development.
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