
Fundamental principles of lawyer activity in the countries of the European Union

«In a society based on respect for the rule of law, a lawyer plays a special role. A lawyer's responsibilities do not begin and end with the conscientious performance of his/her statutory powers. A lawyer must serve the interests of justice, as well as those whose rights and freedoms he is authorized to defend and protect, in addition, a lawyer's duties include not only defending the client's interests but also being a client's advisor. Respect for the professional function of a lawyer is a necessary condition for the rule of law and democracy in society» [1, p. 1].

Problems of the institute of advocacy in the criminal process and its overcoming

In civilized democracies, the bar is an integral factor of the legal system and the main non-state institution for the protection of the individual, his rights and freedoms. In modern conditions, when the issue of effective reform of the legal system of the state, its approximation to European standards - the standards of countries with better legal awareness and legal culture, there are problematic issues of formation and development of legal aid as a guarantee of law and order in civil society in Ukraine.

On question of functioning of advocatory self-government in Ukraine

The article is devoted to a consideration of some problematic issues of functioning of the advocatory self-government in Ukraine. It is accentuated on its importance as a non-governmental
institute created for the independent resolution of self-organization and advocacy activities. The tasks entrusted to units of advocatory self-government are considered. Attention is drawn to problems of

General principles of organization and operation of the advocacy of foreign countries

The article is devoted to defining the general principles of the organization and functioning of the bar in foreign countries. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of primary, secondary and tertiary levels, national and supranational standards of legal support for the functioning of the bar in the EU. The article deals with the general principles of the organization and functioning of the lawyers of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the USA. Particular attention is devoted to the establishment of the Institute of Advocacy in modern developed countries.

Ways of improvement of organizational forms of advocate self-government are in Ukraine

The theoretical analysis of ways of improvement of organizational forms of advocate selfgovernment
is carried out in Ukraine. Investigational, that advocate self-government is the clear index
of development of institute of advocacy, strong and independent advocate corporation. It is well-proven
that on the modern stage of judicial-law reform, when the relation of advocacy took place as a selfgovernmentinstitute
of the legal system, the task of advocate association is perfection of the system of

Peculiarities of the human rights protection mechanism in criminal proceedings

Adequate legal protection in the criminal process plays a leading role, as it is an
extremely important and obligatory element of state and public development, and serves as the
basis for the formation of a democratic rule of law and civil society. Building a rule of law is
impossible without respecting the guarantees of human rights protection, without providing a
clear mechanism for the functioning of such a specific democratic institution, such as the bar.
The value of legal institutions that are called upon to protect human rights is growing

Моральні засади діяльності в Україні та ЄС інституту адвокатури в Україні та ЄС

У статті комплексно, на основі ґрунтовного аналізу значного масиву джерельної
бази, проаналізовано особливості формування моральних засад діяльності інституту
адвокатури в Україні та ЄС. Визначено зміст адвокатської етики: адвокат захищає
інтереси свого клієнта; використовує тільки ті засоби і способи захисту, які передбачені
законом; володіє такими якостями своєї професії які не мають псувати його імідж.
Сформульовано модель юриста, що повинна відповідати таким вимогам: високий