
Evaluation of EU Activities to Strengthen Democracy in Member States of the Last Waves of Enlargement (Review Article)

The article’s purpose is to assess the effectiveness of EU policies concerning strengthen the quality of democracy in the member states. The research methods are aimed at proving the hypothesis about a decrease in impact (initiatives, control, etc.) of EU institutions on deepening democratic modernization, as a result of a discrepancy on debatable issues between the “young” democracies of the EU (like the Baltic States) and the liberal democratic course of the EU. The research is based on the methodology of neo-institutionalism, value approach and political comparative studies.

Philosophical and legal fundamentals of civil society model in the theoretical concepts of A. Gramsche and T. Parsons

The article, based on the theoretical concepts of A. Gramsci and T. Parsons, defines the philosophical and legal foundations of the civil society model. In the twentieth century. some attempts have been made to develop a theory of civil society on a foundation. First of all, it should be noted such well-known scientists as A. Gramsch and T. Parsons, who were influenced by the teachings of G. Hegel and at the same time made adjustments to his theory, comparing civil society and economy, civil society and the state.

Implementation of international legal standards of local democracy in the process of decentralization of local authorities in Ukraine

The article analyzes the problematic moments of the implementation of international legal requirements in the system of implementation of the national state educational policy. The analysis of the separate legal acts, which form the basis of international and European standards, with the aim of their implementation in the Ukrainian legislation, in particular in the aspect of decentralization of public authority on the ground.

Nature of legal conflict: phenomenological discussion

The article analyzes the nature of the legal conflict. The theoretical and pragmatic significance of scientific analysis of social conflicts and contradictions is analyzed. The study of the role of objective and subjective factors that cause them, in particular in Ukraine, is determined by the presence in its territory of potentially conflictual problems - political, legal, social, economic, cultural, linguistic, confessional, and others.

Electoral Qualifications as the Attribute of Democratic Elections (Review Article)

This article examines voter eligibility/electoral qualifications as a fundamental part of universal suffrage. The authors use as a basis the typology of electoral qualifications, which provides for their division into 3 major groups: technical, protective and discriminative. In this study, we made a detailed analysis of the electoral limitations belonging to each of these three groups. In particular, among technical qualifications, special attention is paid to the analysis of age, citizenship, capacity, and residency requirements.

Political analysis of the checks and balances system main elements (Review Article)

The article considers the main elements of the system of checks and balances, one of the indicators of democratic development. Due to the peculiarities of modern political transformations in the world, which require new approaches to the understanding of the system of checks and balances in the political sense, are emphasized. Based on the analysis of the political practice of democratic states, the key features of the checks and balances system elements are shown.

System of checks and balances as an attribute of democracy: political analysis (Review Article)

The article deals with the features of the system of checks and balances as one of the indicators of democratic development. Taking into account the peculiarities of modern political transformations in the world, the new approaches to the understanding of the system of checks and balances in the political sense are emphasized. Basing on the analysis of the political practice of democratic states, the key features of the system of checks and balances are identified and it is proved that this institution is multidimensional.

Civil society and its legal values in a democratic transformation: experience of Ukraine

This article explores the concept of legal values of civil society and its relationship with the legal consciousness of citizens and the democratic transformation. Such basic legal values as freedom, equality, justice, private property, protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen are characterized. It analyzed the need for a clearly developed and rationalized democratic ideology as the foundation for the further development of legal values of civil society in Ukraine is analyzed.

The role of legal awareness in the process of popular sovereignty realization

The significance of legal awareness in the process of popular sovereignty realization is considered in the article. The notion of national legal awareness as the peculiar form of public conscience is analyzed. It is proved that legal awareness forms the basis of both direct and representative democracy. The influence of legal awareness over the practical usage of direct democracy institutions is determined.

State and civil society: legal cooperation

Scientific exploration is devoted to the problems of civil society development in Ukraine in the context of its interaction with the institution of the state. In the article theoretical, conceptual and practical aspek¬ty interaction of the State and civil society in Ukraine. Characteristic features of the system of government, which have a kind of discomfort for the full development of civil society.