Philosophical and legal fundamentals of civil society model in the theoretical concepts of A. Gramsche and T. Parsons

: 148-153

Shak R. "Philosophical and legal fundamentals of civil society model in the theoretical concepts of A. Gramsche and T. Parsons"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article, based on the theoretical concepts of A. Gramsci and T. Parsons, defines the philosophical and legal foundations of the civil society model. In the twentieth century. some attempts have been made to develop a theory of civil society on a foundation. First of all, it should be noted such well-known scientists as A. Gramsch and T. Parsons, who were influenced by the teachings of G. Hegel and at the same time made adjustments to his theory, comparing civil society and economy, civil society and the state. Moreover, both tend to interpret civil society in the context of functionalism as an area responsible for the social integration of the whole. Characteristic differences between the studies of scientists are the way in which each of them combines normative and functional theory. It was found that T. Parsons renewed Hegel's idea of morality in the context of social theory, which returned to the apologetics of modern civil societies in Western countries, the philosophy of A. Gramsci reflected the current revival of left-wing criticism of civil society.

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