
The role of legal awareness in the process of popular sovereignty realization

The significance of legal awareness in the process of popular sovereignty realization is considered in the article. The notion of national legal awareness as the peculiar form of public conscience is analyzed. It is proved that legal awareness forms the basis of both direct and representative democracy. The influence of legal awareness over the practical usage of direct democracy institutions is determined.

State and civil society: legal cooperation

Scientific exploration is devoted to the problems of civil society development in Ukraine in the context of its interaction with the institution of the state. In the article theoretical, conceptual and practical aspek¬ty interaction of the State and civil society in Ukraine. Characteristic features of the system of government, which have a kind of discomfort for the full development of civil society. 

Тheory and practice of civil society historical and legal experience of Ukraine

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the concept of civil society as a political and legal phenomenon. The analysis of source material that characterizes the process of development of the views of civil society in Ukraine. The evolution of the concept of civil society in the works of Ukrainian thinkers, including S. Orzechowski–Roxolan, M. Kostomarov, М. Drahomanov, І. Franko et al. The peculiarities of the concept of civil society context. XIX – beg. XX century. in the works of prominent Ukrainian figures.

Political and Legal Status and Powers of the Parliamentary Opposition in the Countries of Visegrad Group

The modern countries of the Visegrad Group – Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic – are consolidated and semi-consolidated democracies. Therefore, the phenomenon of a constructive parliamentary opposition, as practice shows, is peculiar for them. However, the role and functions of parliamentary opposition in the region are not only legally protected, but also largely foreseen.

Becoming and Development of Ideas about the Functioning of the Checks and Balances System

The article deals with the main historical stages of the formation of views on the checks and balances system. Taking into account the main historical stages of the development of ideas concerning the functioning of the checks and balances system, on the basis of the historical and comparative methods, the main features of understanding the separation of powers and functioning of the checks and balances system under the specific conditions of political and legal thought development are emphasized.

Political stability: essence and main approaches to classification

In the article the problem of singling out the types of political stability as the qualitative characteristic of the political system of society is analyzed. The basic problem aspects of the “political stability” definition are highlighted and the theoretical basis of the study is determined.

New approaches to study the problem of populism (review of the monograph by Kiyanka I. M. Populism in history and modernity: ideological currents, movements and political technology / Iryna Kiyanka. – Lviv : Prostir, 2016. – 366 p.)


The legal status of election commisions in Ukraine

The article analyses a problem of the legal status of election commissions in Ukraine as a condition of their 
independence. It dwells on such elements of the legal status of election commissions, as the right to issue regulations binding for both citizens and authorities; permanent nature of commissions at the national level; lack of opportunity for the authorities which form a commission to recall proposed representatives to electoral bodies and others.