Global civil society as a phenomenon of the modern world

: 108-115

Shak R. "Global civil society as a phenomenon of the modern world"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes global civil society as a phenomenon of the modern world and identifies prospects for its development. Thus, global civil society could become a new model of development, which would dramatically increase investment in human resources and social security while reducing the participation of the state and attracting new actors; it is a desirable form of world association of peoples, nations, transnational communities. Given the uncertain prospects for the institutionalization of power (centralized) structures at the global level, it can be predicted that it will operate “soft” forms of regulation – the international class of experts and other forms of civil society. But the actors of global civil society, in particular international non-governmental organizations, remain marginal actors, at best with indirect influence on certain aspects of (inter) state decision-making. The political sphere is mostly closed to non-governmental organizations. Of course, under the influence of globalization, civil society is expanding, transnational communities, transnational non-governmental organizations, global movements, international scientific and professional associations, etc. are being formed. That is, a unique social space is being formed, basic universal rights are being improved, and an attempt is being made to prevent global threats without the participation of states. But a realistic assessment of this process indicates a still rather vague perspective on the genesis of the phenomenon of global civil society, which is burdened by numerous inhibitory mechanisms.

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