
Методи оцінювання usability інтерфейсу користувача

Досліджено особливості підходів щодо підвищення usabіlіty користувацького інтерфейсу (КІ). Описано фактори, що відображають необхідність проведення оцінювання usabіlіty КІ. Наведено характеристики вимірюваних показників usabіlіty: ефективність, продуктивність, суб’єктивна задоволеність. Описано кількісні й якісні методи оцінювання usabіlіty КІ. Виявлено особливості підходів щодо підвищення usabіlіty і методів тестування usabіlіty КІ, які можуть використати розробники і тестувальники програмного забезпечення для підвищення його конкуренто- спроможності.

Ways to increase the efficiency of sales activities of the enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine in the conditions of international economic activity

The food industry in Ukraine is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, with a range of products that cater to both domestic and international markets. However, the increasing competition in the global market and the changing consumer preferences have made it challenging for enterprises in the 

food industry to maintain and increase their sales efficiency. This article aims to address this challenge by exploring the ways in which enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine can enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity.

Economic assessment of the efficiency of use of human capital by aircraft repair enterprises

The article examines the peculiarities of the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of human capital on the example of the leading aircraft repair enterprises of Ukraine. Indicators for evaluating the economic efficiency of human capital of aircraft repair enterprises are proposed. Calculations of indicators of the effectiveness of the financial provision of human capital, indicators of the economic efficiency of the construction of the structure of human capital, and indicators of the effectiveness of financing the social development of human capital were carried out.

Assessment of the efficiency of foreign economic activity (on the example of “Mohyliv-Podilskyi canning plant”

For Ukrainian enterprises today – in the conditions of war – activation of foreign trade and strengthening of its effectiveness are critically important tasks.

Implementation of foreign economic activity by enterprises is a complex process that requires not only a significant amount of resources, but also a competent approach to evaluating its effectiveness. Comparing the achieved results with previous periods or competitors allows to determine the current level of efficiency of such activity and to make the necessary changes to the company’s strategy.

On some historical and legal determinants that affect the effectiveness of public control in the field of execution of punishments in Ukraine

In the article analyzes the historical and legal sources that regulated the procedure for public control over the process of execution - serving sentences, established the patterns of emergence and development of the problems existing in connection with this, and proposed some ways to solve them in essence. 

Efficiency of the rules of warfare and norms of international humanitarian law: analysis of modern doctrine

The article analyzes the current scientific positions of experts in the field of international law regarding the effectiveness of the norms of international humanitarian law during an armed conflict.

Theoretical and applied principles of the efficiency of aviation equipment restoration

The results of the enterprise's economic activity are multifaceted and depend on many factors. Under such conditions, it becomes more and more difficult to evaluate the obtained results of the enterprise activity. This is especially difficult to do in the aviation industry, since the complexity of aviation equipment and the tragic consequences of its malfunction significantly complicate the calculation of the economic efficiency of the aviation equipment restoration.

Imperfection of the legislation is one of the determinants which causes a low level of public control in the sphere of enforcement of ukraine's penalties

According to the results of scientific research, when studying the content of any type of social activity, it is important to determine the socio-legal nature of the origin, development and functioning of existing problems, as well as the negative patterns that have arisen in this regard.

Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Managing the Territorial Community Development

Problem setting. The paper specifies the application of benchmarking methods to evaluate the effectiveness of managing the territorial community development. Available open data on the research objects activities have been used, which is especially relevant in conditions of limited funds  and resources for additional research to obtain analytical information.

Effectiveness of Public Administration and Administration: Problems and Directions of Improvement of Evaluation Processes

The semantic and systemic criteria used to establish efficiency in the field of public administra- tion are revealed. The main approaches are summarized and a critical analysis of methods for deter- mining the level of effective and efficient functioning of public administration is conducted.