
Development and Research of the Automated Methods for Assurance User’s Effective Performance

In the work the automated methods for assurance user’s effective performance are investigated. The structure of the automated system of support of human productivity is developed. For practical implementation, the MEAN technology stack is used, the interaction of its component is described. Automated methods in the form of an application are implemented and its main advantages are determined.

Improving the Efficiency of Management Mechanisms of Health Care Institutions

The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of public and domestic management mechanisms in the field of health care. The essence, structure and functional orientation of mechanisms in the theory of management and the specifics of their formation for health care institutions are revealed. The analysis of the level of validity of the existing theoretical and methodological bases of construction of mechanisms in the system of national and internal economic management in the medical field, their practical efficiency and effectiveness in modern Ukrainian conditions is carried out.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Foreign Economic Activities Management on the Basis of Target Indicators

The concepts of “effect”, “efficiency” and “effectiveness” were considered. It is noted that efficiency is a broader concept because it does not take into account the achievement of individual results, in contrast to the concept of “effectiveness”. The main key groups of indicators that are most often used in assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity management are presented.

The role of modern management technologies in ensuring competitiveness of the enterprise

The article is devoted to the study of modern management technologies in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise. A thorough study of theoretical positions and approaches to determining the technology and factors influencing the success of its implementation was conducted. The classification of innovative management decisions is generalized, which includes implementation, training, consulting, transfer and engineering, audit.

Methods of Semantic Analysis in Annotated Generalization of Text Documents

The article is devoted to the use of semantic analysis in the generalization of text documents. The analysis of features of the most widespread methods of generalization of text documents and an estimation of quality of results of an estimation is carried out. Features of the improved method of annotative generalization of text documents, which uses the principles of hidden semantic analysis and elements of fuzzy logic to identify semantically important sentences, are presented.

Step-continuous phase power control of multi-section resonant inverter

The method of step-continuous phase power control of a multi-section resonant inverter on the basis of parallel connection of half-bridge inverter sections is proposed. Step power change consists of the commutation of synchronized step-controlled sections and continuous power control at power intervals between commutations is realized by the phase shift of pulses of a continuous-controlled section relative to the pulses of step-controlled sections.

Basics of Economic Assessment of Business Projects in Digital Business in the Conditions of European Integration

The realities of domestic companies’ activities necessitate a more thorough approach not only to the processes of business project management in the digital business in the conditions of European integration, but also to the economic justification of the relevant project solutions. Reasonability and necessity to use a variety of methodological tools for such economic substantiation can be different.

Principles of interaction of state government and opposition in Ukraine: the constitutional-legal aspect

The article analyzes the principles of interaction between state power and opposition, focuses on the content and nature of each. The authors’ proposals on their legislative fixing and regulatory regulation of mechanisms for their implementation are provided. It is noted that the legal and factual conditions for the peaceful coexistence of state power and opposition are the benchmark for assessing the democratic maturity of any political system.


The issue of industrial water treatment and food waste disposal is particularly relevant, especially for the alcohol industry. The problem of wastewater treatment and waste accumulation in the process of alcohol production is due to high chemical and biological oxygen demand, specific colour and odour, a large number of suspended substances, low pH. Therefore, the choice of promising wastewater treatment technologies is of paramount importance to ensure the ecological safety of the environment.

Diversification of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Carpet Market Enterprises

At the present stage of dynamic development of the world economy, active processes of interpenetration of technologies and capital, expansion of economic relations, economic entities are increasingly faced with various socio-economic challenges. In view of this, the role of foreign economic activity is increasing not only for economic entities, but also for the country as a whole, since all systemic transformations of the economy affect the characteristic features of the development of the specified sphere of activity.