
Unlocking Sustainability: A Comprehensive Review of Up-Recycling Biomass Waste into Biochar for Environmental Solutions

From the perspective of converting waste into valuable products and reducing environmental pollution, the up-recycling of biomass waste into carbon-rich materials is attracting widespread attention. This literature review presents the possibilities of using the solid product of one-stage carbonization (char) of plant-origin waste biomass. Several applications are discussed, including the production of sorbents, energy storage materials, catalyst carriers, and agricultural applications.

Activated Periodates and Sodium Percarbonate in Advanced Oxidation Processes of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Media: A Review

The methods of periodates and sodium percarbonate activation are considered for planning strategic approaches to increasing the efficiency and intensity of oxidative degradation of organic pollutants in aquatic environments. A classification of periodate activation methods is proposed, including activation methods by external energy effects, catalytic activation methods, and other activation methods (e.g., by hydrogen peroxide, by hydroxylamine, activation in alkaline medium). Activation methods for sodium percarbonate were divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous activation methods.

Production of Bitumen Modified with Low-Molecular Organic Compounds from Petroleum Residues. 9. Stone Mastic Asphalt Using Formaldehyde Modified Tars

The work is devoted to a completely new binder for asphalt-concrete mixtures, in particular, crushed stone-mastic mixtures. In the role of a binder, it is proposed to use raw materials for the production of bitumen − tars modified with a forming agent (catalyst and formalin). The paper proves the advantage of using tar modified with formalin, in comparison with standard oxidized bitumens, on the example of established physical and mechanical properties of bituminous binders and crushed-mastic asphalt concrete SMA-15.

Composition and Activity of Copper-Palladium Catalyst on Carbon Fiber Material for Air Purification from Carbon Monoxide

A set of research methods ($X$-ray phase, desorption, kinetic) was used to determine the state of the basic components ${K}_{2}{Pd}{Cl}_{4}$ and $Cu(NO_3)_2$ in the catalyst for the oxidation of carbon monoxide by oxygen. It was found that the palladium (II) and copper (II) initial compounds under the action of carbon fiber carrier change their state. Palladium is reduced to $X$-ray amorphous $Pd^0$, and copper (II) is in the form of a crystalline phase ${Cu}_2(OH)_3Cl$.

An Oligomer with Terminal Unsaturated Double Bonds Based on Epidian 5 and Ethylacrylic Acid

An oligomer with terminal unsaturated double bonds (unsaturated oligomer, UO) has been synthesized from epoxy resin Epidian 5 and ethylacrylic acid. The impact of the catalyst nature, temperature, and reaction duration on the progress of the reaction between the resin and the acid has been studied. A synthetic technique is proposed for producing the UO. The UO has been characterized by chemical and FTIR-spectroscopic analyses. The UO has been examined in the cross-linking processes with oligoesteracrylates TGM 3 and MGP 9 as well as unsaturated polyester PE 246.

Activation of Mo2B Catalyst in the Epoxidation Reaction of α-Ethylallyl Ethyl Acrylate with tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide

The regularities of Mo2B catalyst activation in the epoxidation reaction of $\alpha$-ethylallyl ethyl acrylate with tert-butyl hydroperoxide have been studied. It has been shown that the catalyst activation process is described by the Avrami-Erofeev topokinetic equation and  includes two successive stages – the nucleation and formation of a new phase active in the epoxidation reaction. The forma- tion of epoxy only occurs in the presence of the activated form of the catalyst. The effective and topochemical process constants have been calculated.

Study on Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isopropylbenzene to α-Methylstyrene

The influence of the FeBiMoO catalysts composition on their properties in the oxidative dehydrogenation reaction of isopropylbenzene has been studied. The catalyst with the atomic ratio of active components Fe : Bi : Mo = 2 : 1 :2 was found to be the optimum for the maximum yield of α-methylstyrene. The assumption that the improvement of catalytic properties is due to the formation of a ternary compound Fe2Bi3Mo2O12, which provides optimal acid-base properties of the catalytic surface, has been approved.

Kovar Tube as a Potential Catalyst for Conversion of Tar Produced from Biomass Gasification

A pre-oxidized Kovar tube was employed as a reforming catalyst for the conversion of naphthalene. Under dry reforming condition, 24.7 % naphthalene conversion could be achieved, whereas 36.6 and 42.3 % naphthalene conversion could be achieved when steam was added to the producer gas at the volume ratio of 0.06 and 0.11, respectively. Increasing the reforming tempe- rature to 1173 K enhanced the catalytic removal of naphthalene to 91.5 %.

Development of Exports of Knowledge-intensive Services as a Catalyst for Innovation

At the present stage, the knowledge-intensive services sector is one of the key drivers of the global knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-intensive services cover a wide range of market, finan- cial, high-tech, social and other services based on the knowledge and experience of highly qualified specialists. This type of services acts as a catalyst for innovation activities of organizations based on an organic combination of production processes, research and development activities and consumer needs.

Nanotechnologies for Preparation and Application of Metallic Nickel

Nanostructured nickel exhibits substantial surface area per unit volume and adjustable optical, electronic, magnetic, and biological properties, that makes nanofabricated nickel highly attractive as regards to its practical application in different fields of chemistry. Technologies on nickel nanomaterials including their simple preparation and modern application are summarized in this review.