
Regarding compliance with national standards for ensuring individual rights to protection in accordance with international standards

The issue of compliance with national standards ensuring an individual’s right to protection in accordance with international standards has been considered. It is noted that one of the primary tasks of modern international law is to ensure international protection of human rights and establish norms regulating relations between states and other subjects of international law. These norms aim to guarantee the rights and freedoms of individuals as provided by international agreements.

Zasady tworzenia prawa w Polsce i w Ukrainie przez organy samorządu terytorialnego: aspect teoretyczno-prawny

Abstrakt. Każde państwo demokratyczne, ceniące wartości demokratyczne, funkcjonuje dzięki podstawom prawnym, na których opierają się wszystkie bez wyjątku instytucje prawne w państwie. Bez zasad stanowienia prawa legalność nie będzie wspierana w żadnym demokratycznym systemie prawnym państwa. W artykule przedstawiono główne zasady stanowienia prawa przez terytorialne władze publiczne w Polsce i w Ukrainie.

Human right to health protection: features of legal regulation in individual EU states

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the general theoretical and constitutional-legal foundations of the regulation of the human right to health care in the states of the European Union, in particular, the specifics of its implementation are determined with the aim of possible implementation into the national legislation of Ukraine. It was found that international legal acts, which were developed and adopted within the EU and the Council of Europe, play a special role for the EU states in the field of health care.

The right of citizens to a constitutional complaint as a means of resolving a constitutional and legal dispute

The article examines the right of citizens to a constitutional complaint as a means of resolving a constitutional dispute. The concept of constitutional justice from the point of view of the theory of the state and law is considered and the role of constitutional justice in the system of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is determined.

Constitutional control of the US supreme court: types of jurisdiction

The article analyzes the problem of constitutional control of the US Supreme Court in the context of its historical development. The US Supreme Court, in the exercise of its judicial function, establishes the constitutionality of statutory acts and actions of public authorities and their officials. It has been determined that two diametrically opposed concepts have historically emerged about the advisability of the Supreme Court of the United States to address issues of political importance -“judicial restraint” and “judicial activism”.

Constitutional and legal status of the judicial authority in the USA: historical and legal aspects

In the article, based on a thorough analysis of the Constitution of the UnitedStates
(1787), the Judgment Act of 1789, a significant number of scientific literatureclarifies the
historical and legal aspects of the constitutional and legal status of thejudiciary in the United
States. The order of appointment (election) of judges in theUSA is investigated. The
advantages of the organization of the US judicial system, theappointment of federal judges,
and certain shortcomings in the implementation oflegal regulation have been identified.

The Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic of 1918: theoretical and legal characteristics

The article highlights the issues of complex characteristics of the Constitution of the
Ukrainian People's Republic of 1918 as a normative act and political document, its content and
legal qualities, as well as its place and role in the process of formation and development of
domestic constitutionalism

Elite consensus as a condition for constitutional process in Ukraine

In the article, the author examines elite consensus as a condition for the process of Constitution creation in Ukraine. Four periods of the constitutional process in Ukraine are distinguished. The conditions of admition of the Constitution and Amendments to the Basic Law are analyzed in detail for each period in particular.