
Theoretical & legal foundations of the educational process organization in the conditions of a comprehensive complex

Problem setting. In the system of government goals, education has always been and still is one of the priorities of development of any civilized society. Educational services and their quality are an indicator and at the same time a marker of the level of competitiveness of the national economy. After all, the proper level of these services in the market influences the level of population employment and the quality of labor force, able to flexibly respond to social challenges, which directly affects the general indicators of socio-economic development of the state.

Professional secondary education system in Ukraine: legal supply

Problem setting. Nowadays the content of secondary education in Ukraine does not take into account individual characteristics of the students and it is not focused on the formation of creative potential and  system of  knowledge by interests, the educational process is overburdened with secondary factual material and  is overly regulated. It necessitates the search  and implementation of new approaches to organization of  educational process in high school.

The Role of Education in Overcoming the Negative Information Impacts Under the Post-True Era (Review Article)

The peculiarities of the post-truth interpretation, its key political manifestations and its impact on modern global society have been analyzed. It is asserted about the importance of education in combating the negative effects of post-truth political practice.

Legal regulation of education of sentenced to imprisonment in Ukraine

The article analyzes the normative legal acts that regulate the sphere of education of convicts. Attention is drawn to the provisions of international penitentiary instruments, which recommend that prison administrations make every effort to encourage prisoners to take an active part in all aspects of education. The necessity of training convicts as one of the most important aspects of prevention of recidivism is substantiated. The need to develop a concept of state policy in the field of education of juvenile prisoners and prisoners is emphasized.

Employment Problems in Crisis Conditions and Ways to Solve Them

The article describes the importance of optimization the employment process in crisis conditions, in particular during the Covid-19 pandemic. The labor market and unemployment in Ukraine for 2016-2020 was analysed and a sharp increase in unemployment in 2020 was identified, due to the closure of a significant number of enterprises and organizations and the inability of employees to perform their duties remotely. Dependence of the level of employment on the level of education and duration of training for the period 2017-2020 was analysed.


The current stage of development of society, characterized by dramatic changes in the socio-economic sphere, innovative processes in education, poses new requirements for professional training of specialists in the field of design education. The existing system of professional design education is now in its infancy. To date, the number and quality of professional designers cannot meet the needs of society in this type of service.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of co-workings of different types, identifies their advantages and disadvantages, potential in the development of distance education. It is noted that the latest trends of modern flexible office in terms of flexibility, mobility of planning structure, creation of conditions for communication are embodied in co-working. The statistics on the development of co-workings are analyzed.

The modus of forming the legal culture of youthin the university environment

It is noted that the university education, which forms a modern creative personality, is a future
specialist in globalized economic relations, a member of the newest elite of Ukrainian society and an active
citizen of the rule of law. Therefore, modern university education in Ukraine aims to become a means,
potential and resource for the development and development of the state, both informational and legal.
However, lack of legal awareness of Ukrainian citizenship has often been, and is, a significant cause of


Some peculiarities of conservation educational and scientific process proceeded in specialized institutions of the USA East Coast are considered, in particular of the Universities’ conservation programs and of conservation laboratories belonging to museums or private firms. The organizational-educational and instrumental issues of conservation education are presented on the selected  examples and institutions

Use of Problem-based Learning While Studying Electrical Engineering

The article is considering the introduction of elements of problem-based learning in the study of theory electrical circuits. The proposed technique of laboratory workshop implemented in a computerized laboratory on the theory of electrical circuits that uses the problematic situation. This approach increases the effectiveness of learning, promotes a deeper theoretical material study.