
On the question of criminal organization as a form of compatibility

The article is devoted to the characterization of a criminal organization as a form of complicity.

Organized crime is a negative social phenomenon that is caused by social relations that arise as a result of human activity.

In the current Criminal Code of Ukraine, the criminal organization has found expression as the most dangerous form. The need to define this form of complicity, its typical and specific features is caused primarily by the rapid growth of organized crime. 


In the article, based on a systematic approach, a scientific and methodological analysis of the
definition of the mechanism of combating crime as a multilevel hierarchical system is made. It is noted
that each level of construction is determined by its own set of elements, which can be traced by
considering the counteraction of crime in those aspects, which reflect the side social processes and
corresponding forms of criminological influence with their characteristic mods (methods, means,

Comparative and legal analysis of crimes against national security in the criminal codes of Ukraine and Poland

The article presents a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of crimes against national security according to the criminal codes of Ukraine and Poland. The authors analyze the common approaches of the legislator of countries to the criminalization of socially dangerous acts in the relevant field, the differences in these approaches. Based on the analysis of the current criminal code of the Republic of Poland, the authors propose a number of new norms for a special part of the Ukrainian criminal law. In particular, the authors propose to supplement Art.

The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption

The article focuses on the role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption. It has been proven that effective anti-corruption activities seem impossible without the participation of society. The public, on the one hand, is a force capable of breaking the circle of continuous corruption in the state, and on the other, without its support, interaction with civil society institutions, anti-corruption activities of public authorities seem ineffective.

Murder by the mother of a newborn baby: qualification dispute issues

The article is devoted to the analysis of controversial issues of qualification of premeditated murder of the mother of her newborn baby. It is stated that the studied norm of the Criminal Code of Ukraine requires further study and changes. In particular, Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine it is necessary to supplement and state the conditions of the psycho-traumatic situation during the murder of the mother of his newborn child in a serious psychophysical state caused by childbirth.

Classification of forms of participation in crime

The article is devoted to the analysis of the question of classification of forms of complicity in crime. It is stated that modern criminal law is quite far from solving the question of a unified approach to the classification of forms of complicity. The current Criminal Code of Ukraine was not able to completely remove the said dispute.

Certain aspects of the philosophical-sociological understanding of crime

The article states that a purely positivist understanding of crime is insufficient for its
comprehensive study, and the study of this phenomenon must go beyond the right to the sociophilosophical
level. Crime as a social phenomenon has been analyzed. The correlation between the
development of law and the evolution of criminal behavior is emphasized; the mutual influence of these
processes is substantiated. The role of free will of the person in choosing the model of behavior is

Using the hypnosis method for overcoming overcoming counteraction to investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity

The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities and requirements for the process and algorithms of hypno-reproduction in overcoming the counteraction in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity

Features of persons of an unlimited use of crime

The article is devoted to the analysis of the issues of the identity of a juvenile offender.
Summarizing the above, it was stated that the study of the social nature of juvenile offenders
who commit mercenary crimes shows that the negative qualities of such persons are quite
diverse and expressed in varying degrees. At the same time, it is extremely important to
distinguish the typical features of juvenile offenders, as this will contribute to a clearer
understanding of the motivation of the criminal behavior of this group of people, and,