The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption

Ortinski V. "The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatioal and Rasearch Institute for Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article focuses on the role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption. It has been proven that effective anti-corruption activities seem impossible without the participation of society. The public, on the one hand, is a force capable of breaking the circle of continuous corruption in the state, and on the other, without its support, interaction with civil society institutions, anti-corruption activities of public authorities seem ineffective. The impact of the media on the fight against corruption can be considered in two ways: direct influence when the reaction to the publication of a certain history of corruption offenses is the opening of criminal proceedings by the competent authorities, the adoption of appropriate laws that regulate the issue covered by mass media, sending out corruption, a person who has been exposed to corruption abuses; indirect influence, when publication causes only revival of anti-corruption debate in the society, contributes to the formation of political pluralism, and officials feel that they are under the control of the public.

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