Integrity as a component of activities of public officials in the context of the fight against corruption

: 62-67

Khomyshyn I. "Integrity as a component of activities of public officials in the context of the fight against corruption"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the content of the principle of integrity in the public service. We emphasize that integrity is one of the tools to prevent corruption and an integral part of the civil service culture.

The legal regulation of integrity rules among public officials is studied. Anti-corruption strategies that serve as a guide for overcoming corruption in the state are analyzed.

We emphasize The importance of adopting codes of ethics or codes of conduct in any government organization as a vital tool for strengthening integrity.

The main functions and tasks of the Integrity Building Office (Department of Educational Work and Training Programs), whose mission is quality training, education, and cooperation with partners in the field of corruption prevention, have been studied, and the formation of a negative attitude towards corruption among citizens.

We justify the need to supplement the list of competencies defined by the standard of higher education, a graduate majoring in 281 Public Administration and Administration - the ability to carry out professional activities concerning the principle of integrity, which in turn formulates learning outcomes - to know anti-corruption legislation and be able to form a negative attitude to corruption.

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