National police as a component of the security and defence sector in countering russian aggression in Ukraine

: 208-220

Citation APA: Chystokletov L. (2023). National police as a component of the security and defence sector in countering russian aggression in Ukraine. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 1(37), pp. 208-220.

Professor of the Department of Administrative-legal disciplines of Educational-scientific institute of law and psychology

Based on theoretical and legal analysis, the article summarizes the peculiarities of police activity as a component of the security and defence sector during the period of russian aggression.  

It has been proved that despite the full-scale undeclared criminal invasion, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the strong financial and military support of Western partners, are victoriously overcoming the resistance of the russian occupiers and are carrying out a systematic counter-offensive against the "world's second victorious russian army", and at the same time, heroically destroying the enemy's military equipment and manpower on a daily basis, far-sightedly take strategic decisions on reforming the activities of public authorities, and especially of the security and defence sector.

It has been determined that the formation and improvement of the security and defence sector of Ukraine has always been relevant, both in peacetime and in the current period of the russian invasion. At the same time, the doctrinal provisions on their legal status and its improvement in wartime remain insufficiently developed and require theoretical and practical in-depth research.

The miscalculations, made in the organization of defence industry procurement, headed by the Ukroboronprom Defence Industrial Concern, have been outlined. However, since the beginning of February 2022, the state has adopted a number of legislative changes aimed at improving the Armed Forces of Ukraine current model, law enforcement agencies and the military-industrial complex, and bringing them in line with NATO and European Union standards.

The state of the police as a security and defence sector entity during martial law proves that Ukrainian law enforcement officers, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are boldly repelling the criminal russian attack, protecting the lives and health of the Ukrainian population, defending the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. It has been stated that one of the important factors in optimizing the activities of the police during the war is the concern of the state authorities for improving their social protection.

It has been noted that the police, in addition to performing own duties during martial law aimed at identifying and prosecuting criminals, searching for missing persons, and taking preventive measures to protect public order and security, carry out activities, related to the clearance of enemy mines by the National Police sappers, and the destruction of unexploded ordnance at the risk of life and health. According to statistics, about 50 specialists in pyrotechnics were killed, and more than 100 were injured during humanitarian demining.

It has been stated that at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 8 assault brigades are currently being formed on the basis of the National Police, the State Border Guard Service and the National Guard: "Stalevy Kordon", "Chervona Kalyna", "Lyut’", "Rubizh", "Spartan", "Kara-Dag", "Bureviy" and "AZOV". The basis of the assault brigades will be really motivated and patriotic military personnel and former law enforcement officers. In addition, the main priority in ensuring the safe life of the population under martial law is to strengthen police cooperation with local governments and public organizations and to develop joint measures to protect public order and security.

It has been noted that despite a number of regulations adopted during martial law aimed at improving the conditions of police service, there are still problems with the failure to resolve issues related to strengthening administrative and criminal liability for administrative offences and war crimes; abolition of the average salary at the place of work; unregulated procedure for serving a summons to territorial recruitment centres, etc.

It has been proved that in the course of ensuring public order and security during the russian-Ukrainian war, the police in its professional activity uses not only organizational and legal forms and methods with wide participation of the security and defence forces, territorial defence and public formations, but also hone the skills in conducting operational and search activities aimed at combating crime and eliminating enemy sabotage groups, which enables solving the tasks set in countering russian aggression under martial law.

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