Protection of the rights and legal interests of children during the war in Ukraine

Цитування за ДСТУ: Коваль І. (2023). Захист прав та законних інтересів дітей під час війни в Україні.  Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: «Юридичні науки». Т. 10. № 2(38). С. 66-71.

Citation APA: Koval I. (2023). Protection of the rights and legal interests of children during the war in Ukraine.  Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 2(38), pp. 66-71.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

It was found out that in Ukraine, the issue of protecting the rights and interests of children was given considerable attention even before the war. Starting from the formation of juvenile prevention to educational reforms - all measures were aimed at forming a complete personality of the future generation.

It is important that, during their stay in difficult life circumstances, children feel comprehensive protection and that they are not left alone in the cruel realities of life. In territories where there are no active hostilities, it is necessary to ensure the educational process, if possible, the activities of groups and centers for social support of minors. A positive moment will be the joint social work of children with their parents (volunteering, socio-cultural events, legal education to fully inform parents and children about social guarantees and rights during martial law.

It was emphasized that under the conditions, when certain rights of citizens are legally restricted during martial law, the problem of ensuring the rights and interests of children becomes actualized. This task is complicated by the large number of internally displaced persons, the increase in the number of children who have lost their parents and relatives, and other factors resulting from the war. The issue of maximum safety of children in all aspects (physical, psychological, social and household) is important for the preservation of a healthy future generation that will face the task of developing Ukraine.

It is noted that legislative bodies should actively respond to the challenges of modern times by adopting normative legal acts, or introducing changes and additions to existing ones, in favor of ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children affected by war, relying on international legal experience countries that, unfortunately, were faced with the solution of such problems.

Attention is focused on the problem of the safety of children who left Ukraine due to the war. Representatives of the international legal community help solve this problem. One of the main components of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of protection of children's rights is the improvement of the legal framework, including the implementation of the norms of European and international law.

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2. Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy. Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy. (2001).Zakon Ukrainy «Pro okhoronu dytynstva». [Law of Ukraine«About the protection of childhood»].

3. Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy. Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy. (1991).Konventsiia pro prava dytyny. [Convention on the Rights of the Child].

4. Ministerstvo yustytsii Ukrainy. (2019). Zakhyst prav ta interesiv ditei – tse yevrointehratsiia. [Protecting the rights and interests of children is European integration.].