Sociology of justice as a direction of sociology of law: certain aspects

: 63-68

Kolych О. "Sociology of justice as a direction of sociology of law: certain aspects"

Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Candidate of Jurispondence, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History and Philosophy of Law

The article analyzes the multiplicity of approaches to understanding the concept of "justice" from the theoretical and legal, philosophical and legal and sociological and legal points of view. It is noted that justice and the judiciary are not identical categories, as justice is a broader concept than the judiciary and includes the latter. At the same time, the judiciary does not always guarantee a judicial decision. Therefore, the concepts of justice and justice are not identical, because not every court decision is fair. It is stated that the ultimate goal of justice is to restore justice, which, although a subjective category, must still meet the requirements of reasonableness and honesty. Judicial proceedings should be understood as the activity of the court in general, while justice is the implementation of judicial activity to achieve a specific goal, namely: the restoration of justice, protection of rights and freedoms, conflict resolution, and so on. Some scholars point out that justice is only a stage in the administration of justice. The multiplicity of approaches of scientists indicates an ambiguous interpretation of justice, which necessitates further study of its nature and essence. The ability of the judiciary to fully perform its functions in providing justice depends on its ability to influence the work of the executive and legislative branches of government. It is noted that the root cause of procedural legal relations is social conflict. In the process of litigation, such a conflict acquires legal form, but does not lose its social color. Thus, the conflict that is the subject of litigation is characterized by a dual nature: social, and at the same time legal. The socio-normative nature is also characteristic of the participants in judicial relations: on the one hand, they are characterized by a specific procedural status, on the other - social. It is determined that during the procedural activity the court carries out a casual or normative interpretation of the norms of law. The features of judicial interpretation are highlighted, such as its implementation by a certain subject, intellectual and volitional component, implementation of interpretation directly during the resolution of the case on the merits.

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