State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic and Patriarch Joseph Slipiy: restoration of independence in the spiritual dimension

: 29-41

Riaboshapko L., Yarmol L.
"State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic and Patriarch Joseph Slipiy: restoration of independence in the spiritual dimension"

Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article highlights that the research topic is relevant in the context of preparations for the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. An in-depth comparative analysis of the political activity of the State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic in exile and the religious activity of Patriarch J. Slipy was carried out. It is claimed that the right of the Ukrainian people to create a sovereign state, the European direction of development of the political and legal system during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921 were eliminated as a result of the military occupation of part of Ukrainian territory by Soviet Russia. As a result of these events, a new political and legal phenomenon was formed – Ukrainian political emigration, including – the State Center of the UNR in exile and its components: the Council of the Republic, the Ukrainian National Council (pre-parliaments), President, Vice President, Government. It was emphasized that the activities of the Council of the Republic were aimed at continuing the democratic pro-European course of state formation carried out during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. The article analyzes in detail the diverse, important activity of J. Slipy as a scientist, rector of the Theological Academy, Patriarch of the UGCC, and public figure. The main directions of multidimensional activity of the Ukrainian National Council (UNC) are revealed. It was emphasized that its creation had a strategic goal – the restoration of the UNR (Ukrainian National Republic) on the basis of Christian morality that puts in the first place the right, humanity, freedom, and happiness of a person. It is proposed to take into account the historical experience of the State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic in exile and Patriarch J. Slipy at the present stage of development of national security of Ukraine, in order to counter the information war waged by the Russian Federation. The importance of further development of conceptual research on the issue of de-occupation of the historical consciousness of the Ukrainian people is emphasized.

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