The article reveals the theoretical and conceptual dimensions, essential characteristics, subject definition of modern environmental consciousness as a philosophical and legal phenomenon.
Within the conceptualization of ecological consciousness generalized characteristics of this philosophical and legal phenomenon, namely that ecological consciousness is a product of human self- determination in the world, and thus is a form of modern social consciousness, playing an increasingly important role in the latter. The conceptual nature of defining the essence of ecological consciousness is in the plane of considering it as an established and conscious system of ideas about the state of the natural environment, individual or collective ability to adequately understand the organic connection between man and nature and use ecological and legal knowledge and beliefs in all fields.
It is proved that ecological consciousness is a product of human self-determination in the world, is an important subjective factor in the rationalization of socio-natural interaction, an effective factor in ensuring sustainable development of society. Therefore, an indicator of the formation of effective environmental awareness is both legal knowledge of the natural environment and active actions aimed at its preservation.
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