Imperfection of the legislation is one of the determinants which causes a low level of public control in the sphere of enforcement of ukraine's penalties

: 324-329
Gerasim P. Imperfection of the legislation is one of the determinants which causes a low level of public control in the sphere of enforcement of ukraine's penalties.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

According to the results of scientific research, when studying the content of any type of social activity, it is important to determine the socio-legal nature of the origin, development and functioning of existing problems, as well as the negative patterns that have arisen in this regard.

In view of this, the process of doctrinal search is interesting, the subject of which is public control in the field of execution of punishments of Ukraine, given the complexity and interdependence of these social activities in the system of dependencies and contradictions of objective, including legal, accompanying, political , economic, financial and other vital elements of the state system, the level of democracy, transparency and the rule of law, which have developed in a certain historical period of functioning of this society and its institutions.

Important in this context is the fact that the need to adapt domestic legislation to the norms of the European Union (EU) and the best world standards for human and civil rights and freedoms, especially in isolation of some of them from society, is determined by modern legal and socio-political situation that has developed in our country in recent years (since, in particular, the Revolution of Dignity in 2014).

An additional argument in this regard are the tasks defined in modern state programs aimed at improving the process of execution - serving criminal sentences, one of the integral elements of which is public control over the rights of convicts, the legal basis of which is defined in the penitentiary legislation of Ukraine.

Given the above and based on the fact that today this type of social monitoring does not fully contribute to the implementation of the law (Article 1 of the Criminal Enforcement Code (CEC) of Ukraine) tasks of criminal enforcement activities, expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators, concerning its content (increase in the level of penitentiary crime, increase in inhumane or degrading treatment of convicts; increase in the number of suicides, injuries and other emergencies in the field of punishment), it can be stated that that the chosen topic of this scientific article is relevant and has theoretical and practical significance. At the same time, its purpose is to determine the impact of legislation on the content and quality of public control over the process of execution - serving sentences in Ukraine, and the main task - to develop scientifically sound measures to eliminate existing in this type of public monitoring legal gaps and conflicts. as a whole legal mechanism on the specified problems of scientific research.

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