Andrusiak І. On the role of the logical method of knowledge in scientific and legal research

Andrusiak І. "On the role of the logical method of knowledge in scientific and legal research"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Research is conducted among all branches of legal sciences. Research and development work is included in the concept of “research”. Research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to answer questions. To qualify this process as research, it must have certain characteristics: it must, as far as possible, be controlled, systematic, valid and verified, empirical and critical. Each industry uses scientific research methods in different quantities and different fields. The role of logic in research is key because it helps to draw sound conclusions. The logical result in scientific research is the use of the method of cognition, in particular its methods. Among them is analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, hypothesis, abstraction, analogy, generalization, modeling, idealization. The article investigates the application of the logical method of cognition and its methods in scientific and legal research. The components of this method are analyzed, in particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis, which are often used by scientists informing the literature base of the study. Special emphasis is placed on the role of induction and deduction in the formation of logically sound conclusions. It is noted that induction and deduction are closely related – using the inductive course of reasoning, researchers accumulate and summarize empirical material, and in the deductive movement of reasoning gain reliable knowledge by substantiating the conclusions obtained during inductive reasoning. Thus, the hypothetical nature of reasoning decreases, they become reliable knowledge. The article highlights Kant's arguments about the need to use generalization in research. Emphasis is placed on the meaning of analogy as a “problem of universals”, which is present in the philosophical views of Platon and Aristotle. The works of modern scientists who study the methodology of law and the organization of scientific research are analyzed.

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