Study of the system of organizational measures for the formation of the information image of the university

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The information image of the university can be formed naturally, without the intervention of the university in the process. However, among other drawbacks, the passivity of universities also affects the integrity of the image. Holistic we assume the image of the university, which has components for each division of the university, which has the potential. That is, in the holistic image of the universities there are no spaces on certain activities of the university.

The article considers the methods and means of implementation activities and steps form a comprehensive information image of a higher educational institution, namely the following stages. Planning of entering the generator are forming a plan of specific activities for the formation of the information image. That is developing a specific plan of action for reception and initial steps in the community representatives of the Department, namely: the definition of responsible persons, methods definition of personification, the definition of communicative procedures, identifying the points of entry into the generator, the resource definition for the initial entry into the generator.

Preparation of an information resource that is an intermediate stage in which measures are being taken to bring existing units of potential to a state of readiness for social media. This stage includes the following steps of implementation: initial stylistic processing, cutting into sections is, the formatting according to Web standards, the final style.

Entering the generators is the key stage in the organization of the communication activities of the university. Entering the generators are the first stage of active work units of university in online communities.

Stationary information activity at this stage is carried out in accordance with the distribution of socio-information interfaces comprehensive verification of results, which is the final stage of one cycle of the general information activities of the university. Prompt action in stationary activities are as follows: the study of information requests, analysis of implicitly defined requirements, planned the publication of available resources, operational advice.

Describes a typical sequence of steps cycle, describes the main methods and means, the algorithm of occurrence of the units in generators, and presents the implementation of a system of social information interfaces. The described stages are key for the proper and effective performance of work units for forming the information image of the university.

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