The role and importance of the principles of law in the formation of modern administrative law

: 99-106

H. Lukianova "The role and importance of the principles of law in the formation of modern administrative law"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the role and importance of the basic principles of law in the formation of administrative law. It is noted that the most important task of the modern stage of the development of administrative law is the legal provision of the functioning of public authorities, their bodies and employees, as well as forms and methods of activity on the principles of the rule of law. The basis of such activity is the mechanism of introduction into the administrative and legal sphere of international legal and constitutional principles of formal equality, freedom, justice within the framework of ensuring guarantees of realization of subjective rights of a person while respecting the interests of society and the state. It was emphasized that the reform of the administrative-legal sphere is possible only on the basis of strengthening of the constitutional principles of administrative law, development of general and special principles of administrative law, improvement of administrative procedures and administrative justice. Modern administrative law needs legal regulators who give it a consistent unity and operate in different conditions and spheres of public administration - in the general legal principles and provisions that are consistent with the rule of law. It is generally recognized that the principles serve as a theoretical and cognitive foundation, a valuable benchmark for lawmaking and enforcement. They ensure the stability of administrative law. It is concluded that the principles based on the lawsuit of administrative justice (an administrative lawsuit is a requirement to protect the inserted law and order, rights, freedoms of citizens, organizations and the state from offenses in the field of administrative-legal (public) relations) are intended to help the judge to solve complex double cases : verification of the legality and validity of the disputed management act and taking into account this resolution of the administrative dispute; and in the case of satisfaction of the claim - protection of the rights and freedoms of the citizen, in case of refusal of the claim - confirmation of the correctness of the decision taken by the authorized bodies. Further reform of the administrative and legal sphere is possible on the basis of strengthening the constitutional principles of administrative law, doctrinal development of general and special principles of administrative law and process. Therefore, the main task of administrative justice is to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the legitimate interests of legal persons in the field of public-legal relations. This can be achieved by applying the principles of administrative justice, which are the guarantees of the realization of its tasks and compliance with the procedural form.

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