Phase Equilibrium of Petroleum Dispersion Systems in Terms of Thermodynamics and Kinetics

: pp. 132 - 141
State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology"
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
8, Gagarina Ave., 8, 49005, Dnipro, Ukraine
PJSC "Ukrtatnafta"
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The process of paraffin formation has been considered, including the peculiarities of the paraffin structure as a result of phase transitions with a decreasing temperature. Mathematical models for thermodynamic and kinetic calculations of the "solid-liquid" system phase equilibrium have been developed. To shift the "fuel oil-paraffin" balance towards the liquid, it is necessary to reduce the activity ratio of solid and liquid phases by introducing into the system a substance with a lower solubility parameter. To increase the stability, as well as structural and mechanical characteristics of fuel oil, the additive of plant origin was synthesized. The phase transitions in fuel oil depending on the temperature when adding different amounts of additives have been studied.

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