Modern trends of globalization and the development of the world economy convincingly testify the need to rethink the ways and models of doing business under the influence of IT systems and technologies. This opens new prospects for business. The Internet has become a modern space for conducting business, which significantly expands the possibilities of displaying the real economy in the virtual global world. The consequence of the above-mentioned processes is the development of such an economic and legal phenomenon as electronic business.
The concept and essence of “electronic business” and the peculiarities of its development in the conditions of the digital economy formation are studied. The article examines the basic concepts and principles of e-business, its advantages and disadvantages, e-business management technology. It also describes the main types of e-business, such as e-commerce, e-business management and others. The article considers examples of the implementation of electronic business systems based on foreign and Ukrainian companies’ experience. Based on the analysis, recommendations are provided for the development of e-business in Ukraine and the prospects for its further development.
The introduction and development of the e-business system in Ukraine is an important step in the development of the country’s economy. At the same time, several problems must be solved for the effective functioning and spread of e-business. One of the biggest problems complicating conducting electronic business in Ukraine is the imperfection of the regulatory framework, which requires the development of uniform rules for conducting electronic transactions that would meet international standards. For this, it is necessary to actively involve scientists, experts and the business community in the development of normative acts. It is also necessary to solve the problems of creating a reliable e-business infrastructure, based on providing high-speed Internet access and supporting cyber security. One of the critical issues is the training of e-business specialists. The Ukrainian educational system should be able to provide proper training of specialists who would know how to create and maintain an electronic business.
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