: 128-135
Lviv polytechnic national university, Department of Architecture and Conservation
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The XXI century is a period of fierce competition for material and technical resources, which is a rapid development of innovative technologies and teaching methods. Therefore, the main task for high-quality education today is to create modern multifunctional institutions where people of different ages could get knowledge. The organic combination of educational, scientific and innovative activities in the extracurricular educational process will allow people in educational institutions to master the modern methodology of performing research work.

The tasks of creating such institutions are:

  • creating a positive image of increasing the level of awareness;
  • attracting the target audience and convincing potential visitors of the usefulness of the complex;
  • creating a comfortable urban environment and modern public space; - holding artistic and cultural events for people, as well as business art events with the participation of investors;
  • - meet the needs of users in the educational and sports function;
  • - creation of a centre of attraction for residents and tourists.

Innovative education should be based on a systematic and integrated approach. An important feature of the innovation of educational institutions is also its structure and fullness. Innovations in education should be aimed at ensuring the achievement of the goals of the educational process, drawing up a complete outline of the educational process and ensuring a predictable result.

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