Determination of elite influence on the processes of state formation of modern Ukraine

: 56-62

Kristinyak M. "Determination of elite influence on the processes of state formation of modern Ukraine"

Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Administrative and Information Law

The article defines that the managerial elite plays an important role in the formation and development of the state in general, because it combines the functions of power with a significant material base and endowed with managerial capabilities. Thus, it is determined that the development of the state or its decline depends on the correctness of the action, as a result of which its key problems of activity, influence on the development of the country's processes are defined below, as a result of which key principles. It is determined that there are certain political, economic and social contradictions that exist in the modern state regarding the activities and development of the management elite and as a consequence of its significant influence on the process of formation and development of Ukraine need in-depth theoretical research in connection with various modern political and economic changes that affect the process of government in the context of globalization and transformation of Ukrainian society and the state in general through a more comprehensive study and generalization of various scientific views in order to find the objectivity of the research results. Thus, the subject of the study was the Ukrainian elite, as the main subject of the state-building process. It is determined that the existing scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, in particular, works on the development and practical activities of the Ukrainian elite in the historical and modern stages of development of the state are not given enough attention to the principles of improving the work of managers. development of the state. Thus, the concept of the study is based on the analysis of existing theoretical provisions regarding the current activities of the management elite in the context of socio-economic changes, accordingly, in the process of scientific research there are investigated provisions on the actual influence and role of the elite, in particular, management in the context of the modern process of state development where it is determined that the development and approval of any state are related to the actual activities of important subjects of state formation and the ability to ensure the process of effective governance in the context of political and socio-economic changes and transformations, and in this regard, the basic principles for improving its work are proposed.

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