On the Internet, the media are fighting fiercely for every reader, viewer, or listener. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to keep and interest your audience. Therefore, the media are looking for new channels to distribute their products. Official sites and pages on social networks are losing popularity among the audience every year, so editors are forced to look for new and promising ways to communicate with their audience. One of these is the so-called messengers. Messengers are essentially reminiscent of a specific media subscription, but the audience receives the information for free.
The most popular messengers in the world are Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Wechat, and WhatsApp. And in Ukraine, the most popular social platform for communication is Viber (97% of Ukrainians have it downloaded on their mobile devices), as well as Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. But Ukrainian media most often use Viber and Telegram to distribute their content. Interestingly, in different studies, you can find different terms that describe these social platforms, namely: applications, social networks, communication platforms, social platforms, and messengers.
The first messengers appeared in the 90s of the last century, but the peak of their development is now. They are quickly gaining popularity among the audience, but not all media use them properly to distribute their content. Therefore, we will consider them in more detail, as well as give the rules for publishing posts on such social platforms.
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