Today, Instagram social network is one of the most popular in Ukraine. In addition, it is the most dynamic web resource, because its developers regularly optimize all features. If it was previously used only as a platform for distributing photos and their short descriptions, today it is a resource that also plays an important role in creating and disseminating information and messages. It is a social network that has won a large audience, especially young people. That is why it also influences the formation of public opinion and the image of the country and its authorities.
Instagram is a particularly valuable resource in the work of a journalist, because nowadays it plays the role of the original source, as here you can find the latest and most interesting information directly from the participants of the informational events.
The peculiarities and ways of submitting content on the account of the Office of the President of Ukraine and on the personal profile of Volodymyr Zelensky on the social network Instagram, as well as the motivation of the posts, are being examined in this scientific paper. The main "messages" which are created and distributed in order to form a positive image of the government authorities have been analysed. The main disadvantages, as well as the positive tendencies of the analysed in the work Insta-pages, that affect the image of Ukraine in the international arena, have been distinguished. A comparative analysis of the State Institution account (Office of the President of Ukraine), and the personal page of V. Zelensky, which previously had nothing to do with the political life of the country, has been done.
Modern science needs researches in the field of Instagram accounts. After all, in order to work effectively on such a resource, it is necessary to optimize all knowledge and skills in this area. And compliance with all the requirements and following the trends of Instagram will help to form a positive image of our country in the world.
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